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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. The Joebama administration: What a clown show! [Hidden Content]
  2. AOC is a dumb arse! She hasn't got anything right yet. But they still print what she says! Gullible! But, Hagar, you are right, the other side saw how easily it was to force us, even the healthy, to wear mask and shut down our business' with very little push-back. [Hidden Content]
  3. Spending starts and stops in the House. With that being said, what they'll do is insert the funding cut into something the Senate and Joebama wants and more than likely sign it. Will the Dems and Joebama shut down the government to save the funding for 87,000 IRS agents? Can't see it but one never knows.
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Walls closing in! The Dems TDS has got them into this mess. If they left Trump alone with their continued false allegations then the actual truth about Joebama would prolly never have come out. I've always said: I'll play the game -- just let me know what the rules are. The Dems have set the rules! [Hidden Content]
  6. More Lies: Biden Falsely Claimed in 2018: “I Don’t Have Access to Classified Information” – While Top-Secret Docs on Ukraine Were Illegally Stored in His Private Office! [Hidden Content]
  7. More from the "WOW" category!! Any of ours friends on the left think this was OK?! [Hidden Content]
  8. Remember, John Kennedy said that the progressive income tax was used to punish people. So, true, it's been a bad deal since it's inception.
  9. Biden Building MASSIVE Fence Around His Delaware Beach House While Leaving Southern Border WIDE OPEN! What's he afraid of? Migrants being relocated to his Delaware Beach House neighborhood?! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  10. Very excellent question! Since Biden's son, as well as JoeBama, AKA "the Big Guy", is in bed with China did any of these classified documents get into the hands of the Chinese Communist party?!
  11. We can abolish the IRS by moving towards a flat tax. One could file one's taxes on a post card. Thoughts on going to a flat tax!
  12. So, with all due respect to you -- do you honestly think the kids just happened to show up when Reyes did? And not before? Seems kind of lucky for one coach and unlucky for other coaches, don't you think?! And by the same token, I guess the kids stopped showing up at WOS when Cornel left!
  13. It's my understanding all of it. Do you have any other info about it?
  14. Where Is The FBI Raid Of Joe Biden? [Hidden Content]
  15. Keep trying to find the right coach and things will change. Again, look what a different coach did for PNG and Lumberton! You made reference to Nederland: Nederland did have some success when they hired from the "outside". But, I guess we couldn't stand some success and had to go back and hire a home-town boy. Which, BTW, usually never works out! As for as your last sentence, PNG did beat some pretty tough competition in the playoffs. And they did hold their own in the first half against SOC in the Title game.
  16. WOW!! @Big girl -- what say you?!
  17. The House just approved its first bill: "repealing IRS funding." WOW!! This looks pretty conservative to me. Also looks pretty sensible and a pro-America agenda item! The Dems were the ones that put this on the American people! [Hidden Content]
  18. WOW! The left must really be losing it when they start attacking one of the Kennedy's! JFK must be rolling over in his grave! [Hidden Content]
  19. More Proof That Nancy Pelosi Was More Responsible for J6 Riot Than Trump! From the article: "A little-noticed bill passed before Christmas shows that the U.S. Senate knows Nancy Pelosi had more to do with the U.S. Capitol breach on January 6, 2021, than anything President Trump did that day. On Monday night, December 12, senators unanimously passed a measure to remove authority for calling out the National Guard from politicians like Nancy Pelosi and gave it over to the Capitol Police." Remember -- President Trump offered to send out the NAtional Guard and Bella-Pelosi said NO! Again -- it was all show and no go with this Jan 6 concern. [Hidden Content]
  20. Some of McCarthy's most crucial concessions: 1) Motion to vacate the Chair 2) Debt ceiling and spending cuts 3) Committee assignments 4) Vote on a border-security plan 5) Vote on term-limit requirements 6) Budget controls Would like to hear from our friends here on the other side which one of these are bad?
  21. Maybe. But putting sorry candidates like McCain and Romney up against obama, well, unfortunately, we'll never know. But the country suffered for sure. Remember when obama said he wanted to change America? One doesn't change what one loves!
  22. ANOTHER muslim terror attack. Oh, wait, again, I guess there are Baptist named mohammad. LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  23. Remember, the same thing was being said about PNG and not getting any where near a State Title. But, with the right coach, well, we see what happened. Look at what happened to WOS by having the wrong coach. Same athletes, wrong coach.
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