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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I just saw were there is a "Tesla" only lane coming from Mexico. It's not for Tesla cars. It for trucks carrying Tesla parts to Austin.
  2. Insurance Companies Reported ‘Unexplained’ Spike in Young Adult Deaths Amid Covid Vaccine Push in Late 2021! [Hidden Content]
  3. With Passing of the “Inflation Reduction Act,” We’re Witnessing a Case of Economic Murder-Suicide! From the article: "When the “Inflation Reduction Act” is signed by Joe Biden, two major crimes will have been initiated. First, they will be murdering the U.S. economy, sending millions of struggling Americans into deeper financial despair. Second, since the effects will be felt by voters before the midterms, Democrats are essentially committing electoral suicide. As they say, “It’s the economy, stupid.”" [Hidden Content]
  4. When you realize that 1970 and 2022 are as far apart as 1970 and 1918... I'm just going to need a minute...
  5. Not Fooling Around: DeSantis Sent Police to Remove Soros-Backed Prosecutor! [Hidden Content]
  6. If/when Kari Lake wins in November, she would be a good VP choice for Desantis in 2028! Thoughts?
  7. I presume PNG starts practice Monday the 8th? If so, does anyone know what time their practices are?
  8. From the article: "Billionaires, Hollywood celebrities, and climate activists share fame, fortune, and a profile they work hard to control. All of which is why so many are calling on a public company not to track their flights and expose their carbon footprints. AFP reports flight-following websites and Twitter accounts that offer real-time views of air traffic are on the end of regular pushback ranging from complaints to gear seizures by those who would rather their movements are not in the public domain." Brain dead, mentally ill sociopaths! [Hidden Content]
  9. Didn't realize that the electoral college rules state that if 2 people from the same state are on the same ticket, whatever state it is you lose those electoral votes of that state. [Hidden Content]
  10. From the article: "According to Fox News, the Hyde Amendment does not allow federal tax money to be used to fund abortions, except in the cases of rape or incest, or to save the mother’s life. Further, in most states where abortion has been banned or severely restricted, there are exceptions for rape or incest or to save the mother’s life. House Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas) also pushed back against the order and said it proves Biden has no respect for life and is “a president who is trying to act like a dictator, and as a king, and trampling all over states’ rights and trampling all over the Supreme Court decision.”" The highlighted part is for Cardinalbacker and 45thAnd46thsucks to show what an actual dictator looks like. He's openly breaking the law by doing this. But, I guess, does he even realize he's doing this? I'm sure lawsuits will follow! [Hidden Content]
  11. From the article: "Now, Manchin is feeling the heat for supporting the bill. One Senate aide said that “he’s getting blasted pretty hard in West Virginia” and is getting defensive in interviews." [Hidden Content]
  12. From the article: "A Democrat deal, agreed to by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-CA) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), subsidizes electric vehicles made in Canada and Mexico — gutting the “Buy American” rules initially included in the legislation." [Hidden Content]
  13. Biden Regime Plans to Extend Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Once Again Beyond the Midterm Elections! [Hidden Content]
  14. Manchin Faces Backlash From Deal With Chucky Schumer! [Hidden Content]
  15. Paul Pelosi Jr. Skipped Seoul Meetings with His Mother During Asian Trip — Signed Major Business Deal with Korean Hydrogen Producer Months Ago! [Hidden Content]
  16. Things you don’t do: You do not raise taxes during a recession. And you don’t increase spending during a high inflation period. Both of which this bill does! Oh, let me add another thing you don’t do is vote Democrat!!
  17. You don’t think a Trump/Desantis ticket is a slam dunk for 2024?
  18. JoeBama Administration Declares Monkeypox a ‘Public Health Emergency’ Across US! [Hidden Content]
  19. “RAY EPPS RECRUITED ME!” – Political Prisoner Writes Tell-All Letter From Prison About His Experience with the Notorious Operative Ray Epps! [Hidden Content]
  20. It's easy to talk about being impeached twice. But let me ask you: What high crimes and misdemeanors did Trump commit while in office to warrant this action?
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