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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. What's actually easy is to always blame the kids for the coaches failures. Bobby August had the same talent pool available to him as Larry Neauman had. At PNG, Ken Watson had the same talent pool as Doug Ethridge had available. In the 6 years Watson was the HC, he only made the playoffs 1 time and lost in the first round. His last three years he had one of the best running backs in Texas, "The Jet". Should have made a run at the State Title. My opinion. Everyone knows the success Ethridge had. The previous coach at Carthage had the same talent pool available as Surratt has. I could keep going. As I always say: There's no future in consistently blaming the kids and giving the coach a pass. If you want a good program, then you find the best coach available. And if that doesn't work out then you keep looking and hope you eventually hit the jackpot like Aledo, Carthage and others have.
  2. BOOM!! Shut that freakazoid up in short order!
  3. Goodbye, Joe Manchin. Your Senate Career Is Over! [Hidden Content]
  4. Indian press doing what the US press won't do. [Hidden Content]
  5. ...then ‘unleashed pseudo-celebrity’ Jon Stewart to trash GOP for opposing it! [Hidden Content]
  6. What are the practice times at Nederland?
  7. More on the thugocracy front: Nearly 50 people shot in Chicago over weekend amid skyrocketing crime! [Hidden Content]
  8. What has changed?! [Hidden Content]
  9. Also, if you know your team's practice times please post that also.
  10. From the article: "Florida has “put woke banking on notice,” Sunshine State Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said Monday after announcing success against PayPal, which reportedly froze Moms for Liberty’s assets." Time to cancel PayPal! [Hidden Content]
  11. GLOBAL WARMING MYTH: In 1995 The New York Times Warned that East Coast Beaches Will Be Gone in 25 Years! WOW! More brain-dead lunacy that didn't come true!! [Hidden Content]
  12. Bombshell Presentation Reveals Identities Of Maricopa County Elections Employees Who Deleted Files From Election Server BEFORE Maricopa County Audit! [Hidden Content]
  13. It's because they are losing the hispanic vote! No principles involved here!
  14. WHAT FRAUD? Racine, Wisconsin Rolls Out Its Mobile Home Voting Station on Wheels – Paid for Exclusively with Zuckerbucks! [Hidden Content]
  15. Ol' Bobby was supposed to be an offensive genius!
  16. D.C. Mayor Complains Of ‘Tipping Point’ With 4,000 Illegal Immigrants. Cruz Fires: What The Hell Do You Call 3.5 Million At The Border! [Hidden Content]
  17. From the article: "Biden issued Executive Order in March 2021, only a few days after stealing the 2020 Election, to steal elections into the future. One section in the order dealt with allowing third-party organizations (like Zuckerbucks) to infiltrate elections like they did in 2020. Rep. Claudia Tenney talked about Biden taking a backdoor approach to manipulate votes in upcoming elections. TRENDING: IT'S OFFICIAL: Second Quarter GDP Comes In at Negative 0.9 Percent -- US OFFICIALLY ENTERS BIDEN RECESSION (Video) A U.S. congresswoman said on Tuesday that a Biden executive order could potentially use taxpayer dollars to fund the use of ballot harvesting, which could include the use of unsupervised ballot drop boxes, in U.S. elections — leaving election integrity experts highly concerned about how this could lead to potential voter fraud." [Hidden Content]
  18. I understand that Todd Dodge will be advising the new PNG coach. Maybe Nederland can do the same by having Bobby August advise the Nederland coach!
  19. Her evil Demoncratic philosophy wasn't a problem until it arrived on her doorstep! Laws For Thee -- but NOT for me! [Hidden Content]
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