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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. One has to wonder if JoeBama even knows these people are creating these goofy offices?! [Hidden Content]
  2. Sick, rabid, mentally ill bunch of jackals!!
  3. How the "Ministry Of Truth" plans to hide immigration failures and label border critics "Disinformation Agents!" [Hidden Content]
  4. I saw this. Brain cells are surely lacking!! If they have any at all! LOL!!
  5. @CardinalBacker Are you going to watch 2000 Mules and tell us what you think?
  6. But some are so far left that everything looks right to them. BTW, didn't Yobama pattern Yobamacare after Romneycare in commie Massachusetts? Uh, yea! Nothing good ever comes out of socialism.
  7. So, you can't help yourself by starting off being mean. SMH. Anyway, Romney has a noodle spine and couldn't even beat Yobama. He had Reagan's template on beating a failed President and wouldn't use it. Youngkin, on the other hand, so far what I've seen I would agree with you.
  8. OK, so you don't like career politicians like Biden and you don't like successful business people like Trump. So who would you consider acceptable?
  9. ‘My Life Has Value’: Pennsylvania Senate Candidate Kathy Barnette Talks Being Conceived in Rape. From the article: "Barnette’s mother made an appearance in the video and described how aborting her daughter was never a choice for her. “I thank God it wasn’t a choice for me,” Barnette’s mother said in the video." [Hidden Content]
  10. HUNDREDS of Patriots Attend Screening of “2000 Mules” at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home and Resort — Crowd Left Stunned as Proof Revealed on Stolen Election — Stacey Abrams Better Find New Work! [Hidden Content]
  11. This is a good one. I like it!!
  12. ‘I’m on the Warpath!’ Elon Musk Expected to Axe Twitter’s Censorship Team, Become CEO After He Takes Full Control! [Hidden Content]
  13. Despite SCOTUS Roe Leak, Republicans Double Democrat Turnout in Ohio Primaries! [Hidden Content]
  14. As radical as these people are, I still feel it won't matter when elections come a round. Look, the Jan. 6th committee, which was suppose to damage Trump, doesn't matter to most Americans. Plus, a hard line, pro-abortion extremism also doesn't appeal to most Americans. This extremism should accelerate their loss of blacks and latino voters who are culturally conservative. Just think about it: The extremism of the radicals who would allow abortion on the day of the birth. Also, even allow the baby to be killed after it's born which is basically infanticide. I hear that the Democrats are on the verge of replacing Mother's Day with Birthing Person's day. Does one honestly think that the vast majority of Americans agree with this extremism?! I say the Dems are going to lose big in 2022 and for generations to come!
  15. The leak was a criminal act. JoeBama's press secretary said their concern WASN"T about the leak but that Roe V Wade is going to be overturned. These people are very evil. This is why they must be defeated!
  16. From the article: "The reasons for the Left's perverse sexualizing of very young children make sense only if you are sexually neurotic. None of it makes sense if you are a rational, healthy, sexually normal person. For example, what is to be gained by first graders learning about drag queens and transsexuality? How is a child's life improved, how is the culture improved when children whose brains are not physically equipped to process such information get exposed to it? If it is the hope of sexualizers that children will be more accepting of perversity, to what end?" [Hidden Content]
  17. People are pointing fingers at a certain clerk for a certain SCOTUS Justice in relation to SCOTUS leak! [Hidden Content]
  18. Forged absentee ballots discovered in Harris County, Texas, from 2020 election -- all for Democrats! [Hidden Content]
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