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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. President Trump Announces that He Has His Best Poll Numbers Ever and Largest Amount of Campaign Contributions from the People Ever This Past Week! [Hidden Content]
  2. WAKING UP? Majority Of Independents Call Trump Raid “Political” – Now More Motivated To Vote! [Hidden Content]
  3. Operation Mockingbird: MSM Caught Reading EXACT Same Script About FBI’s Trump Raid! [Hidden Content]
  4. From the article: "The United Nations has been one of the organizations leading the man-made climate change push. The paragraph below, from the February 10, 2015 Investor's Business Daily article "U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare" seems to state the goal clearly. Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said." Is this the purpose of the UN? I don't think so. Should be eliminated! [Hidden Content]
  5. Just heard that the "magistrate" that ok'ed the warrant gave the FBI 11 days to return it. This plus the fact that it was issued on a Friday and not served until 48 hours later on Monday. Again if there was such a national urgency then why the 11 days and 48 hours? My friends -- A total CON GAME!! They are scared to death of President Trump!
  6. Go Woke, Go Broke: Fitness Company Peloton Announces Massive Layoffs Amid Cratering Stock Price! [Hidden Content]
  7. National Archives and Media Caught in Another Lie – Evidence Shows Obama Did Have Classified Docs in the 33 Million Pages He Took with Him When He Left Office! [Hidden Content]
  8. Trump Raid Warrant, Receipts Make No Mention Of ‘Nuclear Weapons’! Ha! Shoots down another lie by the Washington Compost! [Hidden Content]
  9. 2 things: 1) If these so-called classified document were so valuable that Trump supposedly had -- then why did the AG wait 18 months to get a warrant to search the house?!?! 2) This probably explains 1. Jan. 6 has been a total failure. They thought they could get Trump on something in order so that he couldn't run again. Folks this is what all of these con games the Dims are playing is about. So, why raid Trump's house now? Well, they did it when he wasn't there. The FBI would not let Trump's lawyer(s) watch. And then I hear they turned off all the security cameras. Folks -- they were trying to find anything that they could use against Trump concerning Jan.6. Remember, Trump has been cooperative every step of the way. Then, they get a warrant on Friday and execute it on Monday. Again -- where's the national security emergency?! Like I've said -- the Dims just secure the election for Trump in 2024.
  10. Trump Adviser Breaks the ‘Bad News’ to the FBI: The ‘Classified Docs’ in Their Possession Were Already Declassified! [Hidden Content]
  11. The AG may have pulled the trigger on the raid, but he got the go ahead from JoeBama. Joebama told aids that he wanted Trump prosecuted. From the NY Slimes: "Garland Faces Growing Pressure As Jan. 6 investigation widens. "Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted... he has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6."" Like I've said -- this was a fishing expedition and another one of the Demoncrats famous hoaxes. The other hoax didn't work, and this one will not work either. But -- this one all but guarantees his re-election in 2024. After seeing this pathetic show from the commie-libs, it's pulling those on the fence over for Trump!!
  12. You know it's getting bad when the Washington Post has to lie that Trump had nuclear documents that the FBI was looking for. This un-American raid backfired so now they have to try a scare the people. I'll tell you again: The devil has got these people!
  13. The Constitutional line of succession is only for the presidency. If a VP is Constitutionally put into the Presidency, he or she can pick who they want as VP. If something happened to both the President and Vice President then the Speaker would become President.
  14. When a search warrant is issued and calls for a raid, they are saying that there's a chance that party being raided will destroy documents. But, again, this is a last resort. The mere fact that the warrant was issued Friday and not executed until Monday shows that this was a scam to begin with. If they were actually concerned they would have raided after the warrant was issued.
  15. There was nothing to find. There was no need for this raid. It was all show and no go!
  16. AG Garland Threatens Americans Who Attack “Integrity of FBI” — Basically Admits THEY GOT NOTHING in the Raid! [Hidden Content]
  17. Thank You Democrats. You Just Made Trump the Biggest Martyr in History! [Hidden Content]
  18. This raid will be an excellent campaign ad to keep the police state front and center. BTW, I think he’ll get more votes. I think those that might be wavering will come aboard after watching this happen to an ex President. You know, something that never happened in our history!
  19. With this gestapo raid against President Trump -- This just guaranteed his re-election in 2024!
  20. Just heard obama brought boxes of papers home also. No FBI raid. What gives? Also heard other President's took papers also.
  21. 1) How do you know? 2) You don't think Biden knew anything about it?
  22. And the finger pointing starts! [Hidden Content]
  23. Anyone remember when obama weaponized the IRS that went only after conservative organizations?! If he's actually running the show, then we know why they wanted 87,000 more agents and a tripling of the budget. I understand that the IRS budget will now be more than the Pentagon's! SMH!
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