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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. 18-Month, Data-Driven Probe Concludes 2020 Election Was Stolen! [Hidden Content]
  2. I heard it's a sham. The permitting process will take so long that it'll never happen! This is just being done for the low information voters. PS -- I just heard that young people between 18-34 have an approval rating of Joebama of only 21%. Looks like there is hope from the young!
  3. Citizens United President David Bossie: One Week After ‘Rigged’ Film, Zuckerberg ‘Throws His Hands Up in Surrender’! [Hidden Content]
  4. Hunter Biden’s Laptops Scandal Exposes How Communist Influence Operations Work! [Hidden Content]
  5. Gangster Whitey Bulger’s nephew had role in Hunter Biden’s Chinese business dealings, emails show! [Hidden Content]
  6. Just heard Elon say if plan A doesn't work -- he has a plan B!
  7. Saudi Shareholders of Twitter Decline Musk’s Offer. Elon responds: "Interesting. Just two questions, if I may. How much of Twitter does the Kingdom own, directly & indirectly? What are the Kingdom’s views on journalistic freedom of speech?" [Hidden Content]
  8. Gov. Abbott Signs Agreement With Mexican State to Ease Border Inspections of Trucks! [Hidden Content]
  9. From the article by Schaefer Edwards: "Port Neches-Groves High's Cheerleaders Yell "Scalp 'em!" While Others Call Foul." First of all, you think S. Edwards really cares about this? Instead of worrying about this, he might want to do some investigative reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop. Or who killed JFK. Send S. Edwards an email and ask him what he really knows about the situation. I've always been in agreement that never give in to terrorist-type threats. When you do -- you get more of it. I wonder, through the history of the "PNG Indians," has there been anybody that said, " I'm insulted and I will not go to PNG or participate in and extracurricular activities because of the Indian name? Plus, I wonder just how many of Indian heritage has gone through the halls of PNG and not gave it one thought? Never give in! [Hidden Content]
  10. Read Elon Musk’s Pitch To Twitter Exec About Buyout Offer Exceeding $40 Billion Dollars! [Hidden Content]
  11. Snow storm in North Dakota. Just think how bad it would be if there "wasn't" global warming!
  12. Social media and the FBI should have blood all over their hands concerning this tragic event. The FBI had this black supremacist on their radar until 2019 then dropped it. I guess the FBI was too busy chasing a Russian Hoax! This black supremacist posted vile comments -- including killing whitey -- on Youtube. Where's the sensors??!! Let's look at his rap sheet: 1991-2007: 3 arrest in New Jersey. Charged with terroristic threats but reduced to harassment. 1992-1998: 9 arrest in New York. Possession of burglary tools. Criminal sex act. Criminal tampering. [Hidden Content]
  13. Republican Herschel Walker Shows 5-Point Lead over Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock! [Hidden Content]
  14. Sen. Cruz: High Gas Prices Are the 'Intended Effect' of Biden's Green Energy Agenda! [Hidden Content]
  15. Talking a good commie game is good as long as capitalism is working. But when they actually try to implement commie ideas and crap hits the fan, like it is now, people can actually see first hand how bad socialism/communism is.
  16. Well, that's an interesting take on things. Hadn't thought about that! What would be the benefit?
  17. Go woke -- go broke! [Hidden Content]
  18. Wholesale prices rise whopping 11.2% -- Biggest increase in history! [Hidden Content]
  19. The last time we have seen anything this bad, was when Jimma Carter was President. During Carter's time, the US was struggling economically as a result of stagflation, which was having a huge impact on energy and fuel prices. Sound familiar?! Carter thought he, through the government, could control the economy. You know, to make it fair. Sound familiar?! Anyway, two that I remember are: Massive gasoline lines because Carter put controls on where the gasoline went and, I believe, how much each got. How does this cause gas shortages one might ask? If, for instance, Texas is only allotted 10 gals per month and California is allotted the same. Let's say Texas uses up their allotment mid month and California uses only 2 gals. California was not allowed to send any gals to Texas to help out. Under a free market, gas could have been diverted. Hence the gas shortage and gasoline lines. Carter also controlled where airline went and didn't go. I remember airlines being force to make certain stops where no one boarded the plane. He made them do it "just in case" someone wanted fly from there. Another "touch-feely" gone wrong. So, this brings us to the results of bad policy. The Dems were out for the next three Presidential elections. For re-election, Carter got destroyed by Ronald Reagan. Then Reagan destroyed W. Mondull. Then Daddy Bush beat Dukakis. And I would submit to you that if Perot wouldn't have ran and got 19% of the vote, Bush would have beaten Clinton. Clinton, if I remember, never got over 50% of the vote. So, that could/should have been 4 election cycles that Carter's bad policies caused in favor of the Republicans. Can we see history repeating itself here. Unfortunately (people suffering) and fortunately (Dems will lose for many years) it looks like it. Sadly I never thought I would ever see this again. So, this is how I see it shaking out: President Trump will win the next election. Then, the next two elections will be won by Ron Desantis. The fourth? Not sure. Will have to give this some thought. Thoguhts?
  20. Also, look how nice they are dressed. They really look down and out. LOL! If we had any ethical journalist they would look into who's organizing and funding this flood of illegal immigrants.
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