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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. So, you give the coach a pass but blame the kids!
  2. Clinton 2016 campaign, lawyer, tech exec in ‘joint venture’ to smear Trump, Durham alleges! [Hidden Content]
  3. Did you see the last 6 coaches Tarkington had and their overall records that I posted?! Get back with me when you do!
  4. My friend, wrong again! Never said Tarkington will hire an Elite coach. I said staying the long term could EVENTUALLY make this individual an Elite coach. Just like Aldo made Buchanan an Elite coach and Carthage made Surratt an Elite coach. Argyle was 1-9 when Rodgers took over. He was NOT an Elite when he arrived. He became an Elite because of his ability and staying the long term.
  5. Substack Invites New Applications — But Not From Twitter Employees Triggered By Free Speech! [Hidden Content]
  6. Your opinion: If you want to turn this program around, do you think it's a good idea to hire someone off of a losing staff?
  7. I have said "consistency" and "right'" coach is the key to building a program. I looked at both East Chambers and Tarkington coaching histories since 2005. East Chambers: Tony Valastro: 153 - 96 (6 years) Russ Sutherland: 97 - 33 (11 years) Tarkington: Walter Fortune: 40 - 86 (4 years) Robert Carr: 30 - 52 (1 year) Brandon Carpenter: 21 - 53 (6 years) Stan Howard: 53 - 41 (3 years) Zach Bass: 6 - 12 (2 years) Eliseo Aguero 61 - 82 (1 year) Now, I understand success keeps people around awhile. But looking at Tarkington's list -- not a stellar bunch they had. Tarkington also hired Mike Heckenthorn (85 - 148) 3 times and hired Walter Fortune 2 times. You got to wonder if they went to same school of hiring coaches as the Beaumont ISD did?! But, to be fair, at the time, these may have been the cream of the crop on their application list. This is why I always like to see the list. It's going to take someone dedicated for the long run in order to turn this around. If possible -- Tarkington will have to do a better job at hiring coaches.
  8. JoeBama's Released Tax Returns Don’t Explain Millions In Income. Where Did It Come From? [Hidden Content]
  9. CONFIRMED: Investigations in Both Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Show 7% of Ballots Dropped in Drop Boxes in 2020 Election Were Illegally Harvested! [Hidden Content]
  10. Twitter Fascists Release Statement: They Don’t Care that Elon Musk Is On Board – They Will Continue to Censor Conservatives and Trump Is Not Coming Back! I don't think Elon Musk is one to give in to terrorist threats! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  11. Georgia Republicans Pass Bill to Allow Law Enforcement to Investigate Election Fraud Like the Massive Ballot Trafficking that Went on During the 2020 Election! [Hidden Content]
  12. Clinton 2016 campaign, lawyer, tech exec in ‘joint venture’ to smear Trump, Durham alleges! From the article: "At the heart of the case is a Sept. 18, 2016, text message Sussmann sent to then-FBI general counsel James Baker, which was reproduced in Monday’s filing. “Jim – it’s Michael Sussmann. I have something time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss,” the lawyer wrote. “Do you have availability for a short meeting tomorrow? I’m coming on my own – not on behalf of a client or company – want to help the Bureau. Thanks.”" Folks, this the smoking gun!! [Hidden Content]
  13. An Organized Crime Perpetrated on Americans – Experts Claim in Testimony At Least 4.8 Million Ballots Trafficked in the 2020 Election! [Hidden Content]
  14. Thanks for the info on Howard. The bold is the battle cry of coaches with the need to justify their losing records and No State Titles. You know, it can't be them. So it has to be the kids! It also helps fans that wants to defend their coaches. Like the PNG apologist for BF. Said he never had the talent to win a Title.
  15. Disney Shareholder Warns the Company: Stop Wasting Money on Political Crusades! [Hidden Content]
  16. Look, I agree, things are bad at Tarkington. I'm sure losing is entrenched in everything they do. 3 years is not long enough to break that strangle hold. Maybe 7, or maybe 10 years is what is needed! That's if a coach is willing to stay that long. East Chambers has that winning attitude that Tarkington will eventually need. Ol' Stan just didn't want to stay longer. Plus -- ol' Stan was out of football for 9 years when he went to Tarkington. I don't think he's a HC any more.
  17. Plus, if they start winning, there are probably athletes walking the halls that would come out to be a part of the winning team. Winning solves a whole lot of problems. PS: Why would East Chambers always have the "athletes" and none at Tarkington?
  18. Getting back to Tarkington for moment, it's interesting that, according to Dave Campbell this past year, Tarkenton had the largest enrollment in the district. So why would East Chambers always have the advantage? It's not like Tarkington is always at an enrollment disadvantage. Could it be the coaching?!
  19. Trump, RNC Win Round Against NAACP over Election Result Challenges. What's the NAALCP hiding?! [Hidden Content]
  20. But yet it keeps bringing you back! PS: Let me ask you this, before the Trump Russian collusion was finally declared a hoax -- did you originally believe it? It took awhile to prove it was hoax didn't it? So, point being, we have to let the election fraud run it's course to find the truth!
  21. More excellent news! Twitter Will Appoint Elon Musk To Its Board Of Directors! [Hidden Content]
  22. 2004 R 9-3-0 390-253 Tom Westerberg2005 R 9-3-0 304-247 Tom Westerberg2006 C-- 13-2-0 510-353 Tom Westerberg2007 C-- 10-1-0 436-299 Tom Westerberg2008 C-- 15-1-0 548-268 Tom Westerberg2009 C-- 10-2-0 490-214 Tom Westerberg2010 C-- 10-2-0 466-270 Tom Westerberg2011 C-- 11-1-0 476-253 Tom Westerberg2012 C-- 15-1-0 702-301 Tom Westerberg 2013 C-- 16-0-0 807-298 Tom Westerberg 2014 C-- 16-0-0 791-417 Tom Westerberg 2015 C-- 14-1-0 710-247 Tom Westerberg Hummm, let's see -- was Murrey there for all of these wins and all of these State Titles? If so, then he would have had to fail and they forged his grades! LOL!! So, Murrey could have been responsible for possibly 3 Titles or maybe just 2. Did he start at QB as a Sophomore for one of the Titles? Westerburg's total record was 148-24. All these because of Murrey? It's interesting how you people just happen to leave out Westerburg's record and State Title (s) without Murrey!! I have answered many times about Westerburg at BH. But i'll be glad to do it again. There are no guarantees. It took him 5 years to win the Title and he left after the fifth year at BH. He had them going in the right direction. And I think, in time, that he would have had a Title. Of course this is my opinion and presumption. I understand he is the new HC at Salado. I would like to bring up an interesting correlation concerning what was recently discussed. Back when we discussing BF at PNG, I said if he couldn't win a Title in 12 then probably wasn't going to happen. Then I brought up the point then even with one of the best QB's in the state, if not the nation, BF couldn't couldn't bring a Title. And guess what the BF apologist said: " You can't do it with just a great QB." But wait a minute, that all you have been saying about Westerburg and Murrey. So, which is true? I would lean towards it takes more than a great QB. You have to build the team around him to gain a Title. Something BF was not able to do. And something Westerburg was able to do. Oh, BTW: For 67 years and 8 coaches prior -- Allan did not have any State Titles before Westerburg got there. What, the talent only showed up when Westerburg got there?!
  23. DISNEY CRUISE SHIP Employee Caught On Camera Molesting 11-Yr-Old Girl In Elevator…Disney Security Guard Investigating Sexual Assault Told “Keep your mouth shut!”…Disney Reportedly Flew Accused Molester Back To India! If I were her parents -- I'd sue Disney for the total worth of the company just to make a point! [Hidden Content]
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