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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I thought quotas were illegal? Anyway, why just offensive coaches? When is the NFL going to start demanding quotas on the teams? I know the makeup of the 22 personnel on the teams does not reflect the makeup of America. So -- why only going 1 way?! [Hidden Content]
  2. From the article: "“We are increasing our capacity to process new arrivals, evaluate asylum requests,” said a statement from Alejandro Mayorkas, who heads Biden’s Department of Homeland Security and is trying to build an extra immigration system that operates alongside annual limits set by Congress." 2 interesting things: 1) We have immigration laws. So how can the head of Homeland Security arbitrarily make this decision? It goes on to say that Joebama will agree with it. 2) Since we have immigration laws, again, from the article, "Department of Homeland Security and is trying to build an extra immigration system that operates alongside annual limits set by Congress." An "extra immigration system that operates alongside annual limits set by Congress"? Is this legal? All I can say is we need some lawsuits here! [Hidden Content]
  3. Joebama's Diversity SC nominee chose leniency even in baby sex torture cases! [Hidden Content]
  4. Jim Jordan agrees: Record crime. Record inflation. Record gas prices. Record number of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border. And what does the democrats doing -- legalizing drugs! Plus he said, using American tax dollars to kick start and prop up the marijuana industry. He also stated that every major urban area has increased crime. And this is what the Dims chose to concentrate on!
  5. Info comes from the video: Apple is tied up with China big time. The CEO of Apple did a "secret" deal with Chinese authorities worth $275 Billion. And they are looking for suppliers, including China, for their memory chips for their IPhones. The questions are: Where is the CEO's outrage concerning China's muslim prison camps? How about the outrage of China bulldozing churches and terrorizing religious orders? It's amazing that the CEO would praise the devils in China but would rabidly attack a law in Florida that would help the children. BTW, once people actually knew what the bill said, it's 2-1 in favor of it. Evil Flourishes When Good People Do Nothing!
  6. True. Again, they did move up in classification.
  7. US Postal Service Refuses to Release Investigative Report on Whistleblower Truck Driver Who Hauled 288,000 Suspicious Ballots Across State Lines Before 2020 Election! [Hidden Content]
  8. Disney’s Child-Predator Problem! [Hidden Content]
  9. To keep this continued attack on Trump -- they must REALLY be scared of him! [Hidden Content]
  10. Sometimes a threat is all you need! From the article: "Back in 1967, the Reedy Creek Improvement District agreement was created to lure Disney to Florida. The agreement allows the district governmental powers to facilitate recreational projects and tourism. Florida's legislature felt that it would benefit the state if recreational organizations had the power to act as their own government in areas like property development, water control, public utilities, law enforcement, and fire protection. The mouse eagerly took the cheese... If Florida legislators carry out their goal of repealing the Reedy Creek Improvement District agreement, Disney might find its magic kingdom turning into a castle in the air, blown away on the winds of outrage from consumers who just want Mickey back." From what I understand, this agreement is a special tax status. Aiming for their pocket books. Excellent! [Hidden Content]
  11. True! I just sent an email to Ted Cruz and Randy Weber.
  12. This Congressman explains that Disney periodically has to come to Congress and renew there copyrights. It must be a big deal because he says that Disney spends millions of dollars lobbying congress. He says the next time around, Disney probably won't get there copy rights renewed. Good. They need to be hit in the pocket book. We also need to have good people get on the board of Disney and start to have inside influence. Like I've said before -- this CEO thinks he can do this evil with impunity. Remember -- evil flourishes when Good people do nothing!!
  13. A coach winning 1 Title does not reach my category of Elite status. So it doesn't surprise me if this coach doesn't win another. Some get lucky. Mike Owens at Tyler comes to mind. Mike was a good coach. He won a Title. But would I put him in the same category as Surratt and Buchanan? No. Look, you have bad, good, great and Elite coaches. Also, concerning winning 1 and not the next, Todd Dodge come to mind. Dodge won a Title, then lost it the next year. Then won 3 in a row. He lost the State game to Katy which had its own Elite coach which had 3 Titles. So, in that situation something's going to give. To get to the Elite category, a coach has to win at least 2 State Titles. Look, I know my bar/expectations is higher than most. Remember, coaches expectations at the beginning of the season is to win District and win State. So, why would my expectations of them be any different?! Trust me when I say a coach will not say his expectation is to go 0-10. Now, Danaher: Danaher is in the great coach category. I've thought for awhile why with being there for 37 years and all those wins, he never won a State Title. Then someone here mention something one time. They basically said Danaher was the big dog in what was basically a bad district. You know, the tallest midget in the room scenario. Looks impressive until you leave the room. Is this the reason. Kind of makes sense. How else can one explain a coach with all these wins and in 37 years no State Titles?! the bottom line is where you set the bar. Apparently the admin and fans were OK with him not ever winning State. And that's Ok too. For them! PS -- If you, or anyone here, was in charge of picking the next Head Coach and your job depended on it, and their criteria was that they want a State Championship as soon as possible -- who would you hire? Danaher or Briles?
  14. I see the head coach resigned and about 2 minutes later they already had a new head coach. I thought they had to go through a process? Hummm!!
  15. Are you the content sheriff? LOL!! If you don't like a respectful discussion, then look at other threads that might not upset your sensibilities.
  16. Or -- he was up against better coaches! Just saying.
  17. If you've never won a State Title -- then how do you know it's meritless? Sounds like an opinion! Which that's Ok. Because that's basically all we do here. BTW -- the shoving only goes one way? Just because one doesn't understand something doesn't mean it's being shoved. It's call opinions and discussions. Apparently you really don't mind because you get involved in these opinions and discussions! PS -- as for me -- I'll keep discussing until everybody agrees with me!
  18. I don't think anybody would reasonably doubt that Briles with everything he's accomplished would not need a mid-level coach to lay a foundation for him to be successful. People would look at the two's resume and without flinching would point to Briles as the better coach. Again -- Briles -- 4 State Championships Finney -- 0 BTW -- nothing is ever personal!
  19. Key Inflation Gauge Reaches 40-Year High as Fuel, Food Prices Skyrocket! [Hidden Content]
  20. No. So, you believe that people can't have knowledge of anything out side their chosen field through study, observation and historical perceptive? Like, for instance, that people can't understand the Bible because only a preacher can? One doesn't have to be an expert to connect the dots! So, how many State Championships have you won, as a head football coach?
  21. Bullets, there's no doubt the lame stream media hid the story to get Biden elected. Now, again, after the fact, they say it's all true. But -- this is only half of the story. Just saw a CNN clip were they were saying this is all true about Biden's son. But what was amazing was the fact that they went out of their way to say that what's on the laptop has NOTHING to do with Joebama. Again, just being totally dishonest. The "big guy" referred to on the laptop is Joebama. He was involved up to his neck with the money movement while VP and when he wasn't. What's also amazing is that 50 years ago we had a press that went after corruption in government. They investigated and we had a President resign because of it. Now they are on the side of the government corruption. Even to the point of going out of their way to hide it!
  22. Just heard Sen. Kennedy talk about the CEO of Disney. He said, originally, the CEO told the woke crowd that Disney wasn't getting involved that they were going to remain neutral. But, the gay mafia went into high gear and the CEO folded like a wet noodle. Sen. Kennedy said he doesn't see how the CEO can stand without a spine.
  23. Wisconsin Judge Orders Vos Held in Contempt Over Election Records! [Hidden Content] Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes! [Hidden Content]
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