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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. A 2024 Republican presidential primary poll shows former President Donald J. Trump holding a colossal 40-point lead over the rest of the potential field if he decides to run. [Hidden Content]
  2. Revealed: Brian “Liberal World Order” Deese Is BlackRock’s ESG Plant in the Biden White House! [Hidden Content]
  3. The Global Warming Narrative Just Hit a Literal Iceberg! From the article: "Global warming is not a serious topic. No one cares, but the left wants us all to suffer in order to drop the Earth's temperature by less than a degree or whatever. Let's cannibalize future economic growth, curb population growth while we're at it, and declare war on burgers. These are the most miserable people on Earth. The problem is fighting back against their climate lies is hard when you have the shield of Big Tech there to flag and censor stories that shred their narrative. Before that crackdown, we used to torch the climate change crew. I'll do so again. The Earth is warming so rapidly that it caused a Norwegian cruise ship to hit an iceberg that shouldn't even exist under these harsh conditions (via NY Post)" [Hidden Content]
  4. FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination! [Hidden Content]
  5. [Hidden Content] No wonder they got an ABC exec to put this clown show on!
  6. It will prolly be Pete Butt-A-Judge. This premise is because this is why the administration doled out so much money to his/she/it/they, whatever, department so communities can stop building racist roads. You know, to get his name out there. I've already started a topic on this. I believe his/her/it/they, whatever, got the most money out of any other departments. Who'll be his/hers,they's running mate? Well, let's look at something first. JoeBama got set up with a running mate, Kamalina Harris, that is dumber than he is . This therefore assuredly made him impeachment proof. So, Butt-A-Judge will be set up with a VP dumber than he is: Beeto O'Rouke! Thoughts?!
  7. Again -- liberalism is a massive amount of mental illness! [Hidden Content]
  8. But JoeBama doesn't do mean tweets! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  9. More Anti-America stuff from comrade Joebama! [Hidden Content]
  10. It's only a matter of time!
  11. It doesn't matter. This is a Jimma Carter redux which led to the next 3 Republican wins. Should have been at least 4 but daddy Bush screwed that up. Same thing is going to happen now! TRUMP 2024
  12. The US population: Whites 60% Blacks 12.2% There are 5 X's more whites than blacks. 37% of all abortions are blacks vs 33% of abortions are white. There are 6 X's more black abortions than white abortions. Because of this, how many less black voices are there in a community now because of abortions? The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an anti-black racist. She formed that organization to abort as many black babies as possible. I wonder how many blacks support Planned parenthood? BigGirl -- you listening?! So, yes, thank you Clarence Thomas!!
  13. SMH! [Hidden Content]
  14. Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Urged Congress to Investigate ‘Professional Agitators’ Before His Untimely Death! Hummmm!! [Hidden Content]
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. Hillary? HA HA!! I know who you are talking about!
  17. Absolutely! Was Pelosi 100% responsible? No. Was she 100% involved? Absolutely. Every gang of thugs needs a ring leader!! Bella Pelosi is that person!
  18. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Lies!!
  19. Poll Results Show President Trump Is Crushing the GOP 2024 Field and This Was Before Roe v. Wade Was Overturned! [Hidden Content]
  20. There is a difference: The Dems impeached because all they had was the numbers. There is enough on JoeBama and Merrick Garland to impeach both of them. They'll have the numbers to rightly impeach. The only question would be will they find enough numbers in the Senate to remove? Now, impeaching and removing JoeBama brings a whole set of new problems. Mainly the clown in waiting.
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