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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Briles brought MV to one game away from State. No other coach has done that at Mount Vernon. Again -- a fact!
  2. The first: I think the natural gas boom disappeared that week. JK. I'll grant you this one. Unfortunately, coaches are judged by their records. Is there quality in a coach that goes 0-40? With that being said, I think Finney is a decent coach. Just not in the league, yet, with Briles. Odessa and gas/oil boom: Well, it didn't help them against PNG! But maybe if they had concentrated on just the natural gas boom, you know, the one that was/is responsible for all of Surratt's State Titles, then they would have beat PNG! LOL!
  3. Fact of the matter is, the record got worst. I understand what you are trying to say. But a championship-type coach doesn't matter who they play. They'll find a way to win. So, with that being said, it appears that when Finney gets in the ring with the big dogs that he can't hang. Or, would another excuse like, the natural gas boom hasn't reached Winnsboro yet?! You think it mattered to Ethridge at PNG that he got Odessa Permian in finals? Championship-Type coaches usually take care of business regardless the odds! Oh, BTW, records are FACTS. Trying to rationalize why it happened, after the fact, is just personal opinions that can be changed on the spur of the moment.
  4. Hey, I appreciate your response. Not everything I post I agree with. I do it for discussion purposes. If you believe something, then convince me. And vice versa. Now, with that being said: For me to go along with this situation, I'd have to have 100% proof that the 2020 election was stolen. Until then, I don't support this.
  5. At Winnsboro, he's actually gone downhill since he arrived. So, let me understand something: When Briles does something at Mount Vernon that no one has ever done, it's Finney that caused it. But -- when at his new job, which has gotten worst since he arrived, it's NOT Finney's fault. Let us think about that for awhile!
  6. Dang -- that looks awesome! Thanks!
  7. White House Tried to Cover Up the S.C. Diversity Nominee's Light Sentences for Child Pornographers! [Hidden Content]
  8. From the article: "Joebama is aiming to shell out more than$11 billion for global warming spending "in other countries!" [Hidden Content]
  9. Oh, I forgot: In his 1st year at Mount Vernon, Briles went to the playoffs with only having started the job 28 days before practice started. THEN, the next year -- he brought them to heights the school had never seen before. He brought them to one game away from the State Title. There's a distinct possibility that the next year could have been another State Title for him. But, we'll never know. Heck, just replace the name Mount Vernon with Tarkington. I'll admit that it would probably take more than a couple of years. But no doubt in my mind, after he got his program started, like he did at Stephenville, 10 years would be enough.
  10. The village idiot strikes again! Joebama had 5 blunders/gaffs in 48 hours: 1) He called for regime change in Russia. Then -- had to call that back 2) Suggested that Americans would launch chemical weapons. Had to walk that back. 3) He suggested that the 82nd airborne would be sent to Ukraine. Had to walk that back. 4) He said sanctions never work. Said this despite their talking points having been for months that the threat of sanctions is prisisly why he waived sanctions on Nordstream 2. 5) When Joebama was trying to explain all of this, he said, well, the explanation is that Americans are training Ukraine troops in Poland. What?! If this is the case -- then he just gave out classified information on national TV!!
  11. Just 1 year, my friend. They had 3 other ones. If Briles would have been at Tarkington during this time, then Kendall would have been at Tarkington. Just think about it!
  12. How did you like the massive crowd at the Trump rally pic, BigGirl?
  13. So, I'll give it 10 years. Within this time frame, and they stay there that long, you don't think Surratt, Buchanan, or Briles could bring a State Title. Remember now, Briles did it with a bad situation at Stephenville. I read where it said, " Briles... took over a program down on luck and numbers." In 3 years he went 13-2. And in 6 years he won his first of 4 State Titles. I guess it could have been the facilities. Or the artificial turf. Or the natural gas boom. Or something new. NOT! None of these things happened. But we know what it was! So, how is this any different?
  14. Thanks for the info. It's always good when something is brought up that we have input from someone that's actually been involved in it. Let me give an analogy: It's like we are having a topic debate/discussion on high school bands. 95-98% of this forum, including me, has no first hand knowledge of playing in the high school band. So, for decent and somewhat expert opinions, I would defer to someone that has been involved in the band. Because otherwise, any other opinions are from those that only knows about the band, is what they've seen as a stand dweller. Again, thanks!
  15. Curious; Did these happen before Surratt and Buchanan got there? Also curious how many schools have nice facilities and can't/haven't won State Titles? Plus, again, no State Titles before Surratt and Buchanan. These guys must be the luckiest people in the world to show up at just the right time! How about Stephenville? Was that not all Briles?
  16. I've seen this happen before. These are coaching decisions that usually go wrong.
  17. This is 100% correct. It's a process that takes time. Depending on how bad it is. I used Liberty Hill as an example. They were horrible before Vance got there. Since things were so bad, it took him 6 years to win a Title. But, the right coach would have to be dedicated to Tarkington. If not, then all bets are off. Tarkington, like Liberty Hill, Carthage, and Aledo at one time, will not attract an elite-type coach. Schools in this losing situation "create" championship-style coaches.
  18. A new study into 2020 election discrepancies in six battleground states claims that there were at least 250,000 “excess votes” for Joe Biden, and potentially many more. [Hidden Content]
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