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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. The offense should be OK. With the renewed interest on defense then this should be a tremendous upgrade for the team as a whole!
  2. Was there something wrong with what they had?
  3. No, not rats like Cohen. People need to wake up and smell the coffee! Trump 2024
  4. Just heard it was the NY Times that put out that Trump had classified documents. The NY Slimes is always good for some "fake" news! Remember: The President is the only one that can declassify documents! Trump, and his lawyers, said that Trump declassified documents in question before he left office. I'll believe him over the NY Slimes!
  5. WSJ Op-ed: ‘No Legal Basis’ for Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant! [Hidden Content]
  6. Well, it's a good thing they have no say-so in the matter! I'd ask: why not worry about all the drugs crossing the border that are killing our people? Priorities!!
  7. Just heard, and get this, NBC reporting, that JoeBama is the worst President in 80 years! But he got 81 Millions votes! LOL!!
  8. Merrick Garland, You’re Going to Prison! [Hidden Content]
  9. I would trust what Trump said more than I would trust what "CNN or MSLSD" said!
  10. Trump said he declassified all documents BEFORE leaving office. What's your source?
  11. No more than you peoples' deified adoration of Bill Clinton and Barry Hussien Obama!
  12. Something tells me this isn't going to be as close as some might think. This will be Silsbee's night. Now, if it rains, then all bets are off!
  13. EVERYONE needs to listen to this!!
  14. Judge Formally Rejects DOJ Argument to Keep Trump Raid Affidavit Sealed! One has to wonder: If the "raid" was totally honest and above board, then why would the DOJ be afraid of letting the world see the affidavit?! [Hidden Content]
  15. Those that worship at the alter of global warming are not going to like this! [Hidden Content]
  16. The DOJ Official Who Met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago Before FBI Raid Has Deep Russiagate Ties, Associate of Mueller’s ‘Pit Bull’! [Hidden Content]
  17. At PA, I did hear that the new OC is one of the greatest OC's in the State! I'm sure I could get a couple of Amen's on that!
  18. Silsbee
  19. One has to realize just because charges or innocent "verdicts" happens DOES NOT mean those individuals are innocent. There is no doubt and no debate that H. Clinton had an unsecured, private server in her personal home while Secretary Of State. This was ILLEGAL!! There is no debate that this server was hacked by a foreign enemy. There is no debate that she acid washed these hard drives. There's no debate that she had 33,000 documents in which she gave back half and the other half she destroyed. There's no doubt she's guilty as sin. For the first 13 minutes of this video, Comey said she was guilty. But then, as the swamp does, he stated why he's not going to pursue her crimes. So what you have with a swamp creature, Clinton, and Trump, one is guilty and one is not. The Russia collusion, paid for by Clinton, was a scam. And this raid on Trumps' home, you know looking for a crime, was a total scam that's back firing. BTW, has anyone noticed that since the raid JoeBama has been in hiding?! Anyway, again, one can't equate not being prosecuted or even charged with being innocent.
  20. I think the Attorney General is in some deep do-do. He went on national TV and admitted he signed off on the scam raid. Can't lie his way out of this one. Even if there's one diversion between the affidavit and warrant that's a 4th Amendment violation. I wonder how many diversions there actually were?!?! Anyone actually think that going into Trump's wife's closet was on the affidavit? Prolly not! Again -- If it was such an emergency to do this to Trump, why did the Justice Dept. wait 18 months?! [Hidden Content]
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