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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Yes, Biden Is Hiding His Plan To Rig The 2022 Midterm Elections. The White House is refusing to share details about its coordinated efforts to engage in a federal takeover of election administration. [Hidden Content]
  2. I'll make a deal with you: I'll read this if you watch 2000 Mules! Deal?
  3. I can only think of two reasons. Thoughts?!
  4. Funny thing, though, is that he only started being a racist after he became President. That ought to tell you something! Remember -- when the Dems can't beat you on the issues then they throw out the race/racist card. When they do that then you know they have lost!
  5. NPR visits a swing district -- and much to its surprise, learns that voters don't care about Dems' Jan. 6 hearings! [Hidden Content]
  6. From the article: "Just look at the guy’s record, a record that rivaled even St. Ronny’s. Trump presided over the first expansion of wealth for working people in decades, reversing the stagnation that saw the coastal blue elites growing richer and everyone else growing poorer. He cut taxes for small business, jump-starting economic growth. Gas prices were low, the stock market was high. Compare and contrast his economic record with that of this ridiculous dust puppet we are stuck with now. We didn’t have to worry that there would be no baby food on the shelf when Trump was in office." [Hidden Content]
  7. Woke Kellogg’s Is Breaking Up After Years of Disappointing Performance! [Hidden Content]
  8. If they run as Dems, they won't get the nomination. Not socialist enough.
  9. When they cheat, it doesn't matter. Mr. brain-dead supposedly got 81 million votes. So...
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Would A Fanatic Have Tried To Murder Brett Kavanaugh If Merrick Garland Had Enforced Federal Law? AG Merrick has not upheld his oath to faithfully execute the laws of the U.S. Therefore, he needs to be impeached when the Republicans gain control of the House! [Hidden Content]
  12. Their fixation on the former president (TDS) has robbed them of their basic political instincts. [Hidden Content]
  13. JoeBama as a young kid!
  14. AG Pax­ton Suc­cess­ful­ly Pros­e­cutes Woman Who Pleads Guilty to 26 Felony Counts of Vot­er Fraud! Wait -- this can't be true. Why, because there isn't any, oh never mind! HA! [Hidden Content]
  15. Two things: First, do they have gun control in Chicago? Second, one would think that Congress would be more worried about something like this instead of the nothing burger known as the J6 Committee! [Hidden Content]
  16. They both have/had Elite coaches! Now, as for a WOS' new coach, we'll have to see how he pans out!
  17. Maybe they are finally realizing, oh, well, never mind! But they have turf! LOL!!
  18. That wouldn't take long! LOL!!
  19. Islamic State (muslims) claims responsibility for attacks on Christian villages in Mozambique! [Hidden Content]
  20. Typical socialist mantra: Laws for thee -- but NOT for me! [Hidden Content]
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