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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. From the article: "'I get PAID to be homeless in San Francisco - it takes one phone call': 'Old school junkie' says he moved to woke city because he gets $620-a-month that pays for his Amazon Prime and Netflix and 'cops are like neighbors'" [Hidden Content]
  2. Mice die in mouse traps because they do not understand why the cheese is free. The same thing happens with Socialism!
  3. I’ll respond more later. But, did I understand you to say that your Father was on the varsity football staff under Malone?
  4. HA! You got busted for being dramatic! LOL!! PS -- I don't blame you for being envious of Aledo! Let me see: 56-21 😃😃
  5. Win a state Championship and they have nothing to worry about. Why pay big bucks for something less? Their goal is a State Title every year. So why shouldn't it be everyone else?! How do you react when a contractor is, or someone that works for you, doesn't do what's expected? One should be like 95% of all people and find someone else! Sometimes we need to connect the dots.
  6. Didn't she also say that those that were complaining about her hypocrisy are racist?
  7. Add if you have some good ones! 1) Back when I studied the Holocaust in school, I remember thinking -- "how did Hitler get over 6 million people to follow along blindly and not fight back?" Then I realized I'm watching my fellow Americans take the same path! 2) Democrats today are saying no one, not even the president, is above the law. So my question is: how come illegals are? I'll wait!
  8. Meltdown Over Bouncy Castles! [Hidden Content]
  9. You are so delusional and unrealistic, it’s damn near impossible to have a conversation with you. HA! Only 1 team in a division wins it every year. At the start of the year, each division has around 5-8 teams that have a realistic chance. Your Opinion! Sometimes making the 3rd round, or state quarterfinals with the talent you are coaching is in itself a great feat. You think it's all about the talent and not the coaching. OK, your opinion! if you think any coach is gonna go to PNG, and beat the current talent Crosby has had, or a program like Aledo, you don’t know the game of football. I've seen PNG in the past beat teams that had "better" talent. Talk to some one about PNG playing Kashmere In the Dome and get back with me. Oh, and BTW, I might would throw Galveston Ball in there also. I would also say that Odessa Permian had "better" talent than PNG when they lost the State game to the Indians. Dodge didn’t win state at Marble Falls, or Cameron Yoe. Didn’t even get close. Why is that? Cameron: There 2 years. Marble Falls: There 2 years. Not there long enough. Elite coaches aren't one trick ponys. It takes time. If one doesn't understand this by now, then I do have my job cut our for me! Surratt isn’t going to Hamshire-Fannett and going to win state, why is that? Man -- this is a wild assumption on your part. You think they may have been saying the something at Carthage before Surratt got there? How about Stephenville before Briles got there. Brownwood owed that district before Briles got there. How about Aledo? In the previous 50 years before Buchanan got there, they had "4" times that they won over 10 games. Now look at them!! So, yes, I'd say Surratt could eventually win state at Hampshire! When I go to watch a high school football game, I usually try to stand along a fence by the track to avoid ppl like you in the stands. Don’t have a clue, but boy, you have all the answers from row 32, seat C. BTW -- standing on the track one can't get an overall picture of what's actually happening. LOL!!
  10. You are wrong on one account! SMH. But, if the Rams win, then one has to wonder! Be honest: Have you ever given this some thought? You don't think the outcome has ever been manipulated?
  11. One of the posters has used the word legal or legally, I think, twice when it comes to Aledo gaining athletes. Am I missing something that in the past Aledo was accused of doing something illegally?
  12. You are right: There's not that many championship type coaches out there. If you can't win one in 7 years of building your program then what makes you think another 7 will do the trick? It has happened before but ii's rare. As always -- it's where one sets the bar: High or low! When one sets the bar low, then one uses language like "not based in reality!" I'm sure Dodge, Buchanan, Surratt and Briles do not use this type of language! Why? They have their bar set high! Learn from it!!
  13. Well, rigged connotates a sort of cynicism. It's more like manipulated. And as long as there are no bribes then it's all legal. Does the NFL sit around at the beginning of the year predetermine who's going to win what? No. But as the season progresses, they'll see where the interest lies. And it always evolves around the QB. Last years interest was Tom Brady moving to TB. Plus the fact that the SB was going to be played in TB was ripe with interest. Guess who won the SB?! This year, we had a similar story evolving with the LA Rams and Matt Stafford. Guess who is in the SB at their own stadium?! What that said, I figure the Rams will win. But, you also have an interesting story with a good young QB on the Bengal's side. Think back, you think it was a coincidence that Mahommes had a second half melt down in the AFC Championship game? Maybe. But he was a world beater the first half and junior high QB the second! I first noticed something wasn't quite right back in 2006 when NE played the Colts for the AFC championship. Brady had a similar melt down in the second half. Another thing, if I remember right, all the second half penaltys went against NE. I remember one announcer saying he's never seen before one team not getting any penaltys. I figured the NFL needed P. Manning to win a SB. It starts with the refs. They can either call a crucial penalty or not call one at all. How many times do you think holding on the line of scrimmage can be called? How about on a winning drive that the league wants to win that NO holding calls are made. Or any other penalty as a matter of fact. Second is the coaches and players. The league will tell the coach this or that needs to be done because it's "good" for the league. Remember, sports is about entertainment. And when the 3 networks got involved, well, you know they are in the "entertainment" business. Unless Tom Brady goes to Cleveland, we'll not see a Detroit vs Cleveland SB. Why? Because no one would watch! Thoughts?!
  14. Don't you think by hiring Dodge to help that the Administration is trying to do the right thing and find the best coach available?
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