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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I can see me being confused with an actual elite coach like Briles! LOL! But, seriously, did anyone think Burnett was going to beat Briles? Another LOL!!
  2. Your opinion: Would you think if someone wanted to force him out and wanted certain people in that It would have been done sooner than 12 years?
  3. LOL! All State Champion-type head coaches were assistant coaches at one time. One never knows what you will get. At any one time, there are only around 10% State Championship-type coaches in the state. Why 10%? Because it’s hard. If it was easy then every coach would have 20 or more Titles!
  4. Sounds like some here feel that Trump's mean tweets were an impeachable offense! Hummm!
  5. Not only me but everyone here so the people here can see what actual Elite Coaches look like! I think some are having a hard time recognizing what one is suppose to look like! LOL!!
  6. Nederland needs to play PA in non-district instead of a scrimmage.
  7. As I've said before -- nothing is in a straight line. But, concerning Westerberg, it's easy to point to him. But, I believe he was at BH for only 6 years. I truly believe if he stayed he would have got a State Title at BH. My opinion.
  8. Won't be me! I'd give you 7 years. If you'd be worth anything then there'd be nothing to worry about!
  9. WOW! Name calling! Shows your immaturity! Thanks for proving it!
  10. Actually you didn't say anything about the coaching. You were trying to prove why it wasn't about the coaching by saying how massive the population growth was that brought Aledo the athletes! In your last sentence, you are still giving excuses why a coach wins and why a coach loses and it's not because of the coach! So, I guess if Faircloth was lucky enough to have got the Carthage job then he, not Surratt, would have won all those State Titles. I say probably not. He had 12 years at PNG to prove he could or couldn't. We know which one it was. Can't run from ones record of no State Titles! I say again, if Surratt came to PNG, within my time frame of 7 years PNG would have at least one State Title. But, with your thought, Surratt would not ever win a State Title at PNG. Why would I say he would: Because that's what State Championship-type coaches do. But, I will grant you this: there aren't that many of these coaches out there. I'd say, maybe, 10%. That's why in 12 years Faircloth couldn't. That's why in 19 years Nuemann couldn't. And that's why in 15 years Burnett couldn't. 90% of the coaches can't. So, that's why it's easy to blame the kids/athletes!
  11. Basically same athletes! If I recall, Malone took them to one game away from State. Got to face it folks, it's about the coaching!
  12. What about Carthage, Stephenville, Celina, Brownwood? You think Austin Westlake is going to replicate what Dodge has done? Southlake Carrol hasn't replicated what Dodge has done. And probably not going to. So, at Aledo, Buchanan had NOTHING to do with it?! With all the growth you talk about about, they are in Div 2 5A. So, come the 3rd, they should zoom right on up to Div 1 6A. But, Buchanan must be the luckiest coach in the world to be there at the right time when all the athletes showed up. But, the ones I feel sorry for are the previous 14 coaches that never had Buchanan's great fortune. And the worst of the lot is the coach right before Buchcnan. If he would have just stayed on all the State Championships would have been his! Even you can't believe that! But, maybe you can!!
  13. I'll ask you: Did the "personel" just show up when Surratt at Carthage (after 84 years of no State Title) and Buchanan at Aledo showed up? Of course not!! They were there before. The coach was the difference! Again, letting a coach go, it all depends on where you set the bar. My bar is high. The PNG coach had 12 years. Does that mean he was treated unfairly? I wouldn't think so. But, I knew after 7-8 years that a State Title wasn't in PNG's future. Maybe the Superintendent and board members realized the same thing. Like I've said before -- if one's expectations are low, then they'l be met EVERY time!
  14. Didn't Clinton lie to a judge? You don't think Joebama's doing anything illegal concerning the border?
  15. Let me play to your intellect: Do you think the same thing was being said about Carthage before Surratt got there? How about at Aledo before Buchanan? How about Brownwood before Wood got there? BTW, Wood won State in his first year. How about at Stephenville before Briles got there? How about Celina before Moore got there? The point is -- there where not ANY State Titles won before these "coaches" got to their respective schools! So, I'm sure you are intelligent enough to see what the difference was: The Coach! So, straight to your point: Yes, PNG can win A State Title if the "right" coach is selected! Now, if the selection is s "buddy" deal, then all bets are off!
  16. There's two different situations here: Him being a head coach and him being an assistant coach. As we find out quite often, a coach can be a good assistant but not a very good head coach.
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