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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Forged absentee ballots discovered in Harris County, Texas, from 2020 election -- all for Democrats! [Hidden Content]
  2. The Demonic Left Will Stop At Nothing — Including Destroying The Supreme Court — To Kill Babies! It appears that there is no doubt that this was leaked to gain a perceived advantage for the elections in November. But, if this is the actual ruling -- it could backfire on the commies. It could pump the conservative base up proving what a conservative president and conservative judges will do. It needed to be overturned and sent back to the States because it was a flawed decision. [Hidden Content]
  3. Starting the steal: George "The Snake" Soros Dumps $750,000 into Wisconsin Midterms as Democrats Gear Up for the Steal! Not making any headlines! [Hidden Content]
  4. Yobama behind the "Ministry Of Truth"? Probably so. He came out against free speech. So, I guess he wants to be the decider of what the truth is?! Where's the lawsuits?! From the article: "Obama, April 21: social media censors “don’t go far enough,” so the government needs to step in to do the job. Six days later, Homeland Security rolls out the 'Ministry of Truth' (aka Disinformation Governance Board)." [Hidden Content]
  5. Texas lawmaker says state will 'roll out the red carpet' if Elon Musk moves Twitter to Lone Star State! [Hidden Content]
  6. From the article: "Many of these “mules,” or ballot traffickers, she continued, would go on routes “repeatedly, day after day.” “One of our sort of top performers, if you will, in one 24-hour period went to 27 different drop boxes across six counties and five different nonprofit organizations in one 24-hour period,” she said. “But this is a — this is organized crime, and that’s what we need to get our arms around,” she said." [Hidden Content]
  7. DHS Secretary Could Not Say If 42 Aliens on the Terrorist Watch List or No-Fly List Were Released Into U.S. Sad!! [Hidden Content]
  8. Trump slams Biden's 'Ministry of Truth', calls out 'longtime political operative' in charge! [Hidden Content]
  9. According to the PA News dated March 30, PNG was to start 3 weeks of spring practice on April 21. Has anyone gone and watched any of their practices? If so, how did they look? I'll probably go next week and have a look.
  10. Two things: First, I heard a Republican Congressman say that if/when they take control of the House, they will not fund the Department Of Homeland Security until this section is eliminated. They'll talk to the Senate about stripping this language. Second, this is a clear violation of the first amendment. There should be a lawsuit shortly, if not already. BTW -- where is the ACLU?!
  11. Pennsylvania Teacher Suspended After Hosting Drag Show for Students Without Notifying Parents! [Hidden Content]
  12. Here's the head of JoeBama's "Ministry Of Truth"!
  13. Dr. Li-Meng Yan Says China Released COVID-19 Intentionally – “This Is Not An Accident”! [Hidden Content]
  14. Democrats Hemorrhaging Black Voters — Biden Down 20 Points with Blacks Since Inauguration! [Hidden Content]
  15. David Lara Explains The “Playbook” of Ballot Traffickers In Arizona After Discovering Ballot Mules In San Luis, AZ! [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Powerful Russian Oligarch with Hunter Biden Connection Avoids Sanctions by Joebama-Harris regime! [Hidden Content]
  18. Biden DOJ coordinated legal assault on Georgia election integrity law with communist front groups! Again, why worry about it if there was not any fraud?! [Hidden Content]
  19. ‘Dissolve This Monstrosity Immediately’: Josh Hawley Unloads On Mayorkas In Letter Demanding The End Of ‘Disinformation’ Board! [Hidden Content]
  20. From the article: "A senior Islamic Jihad official claims that Allah brought Jews to the Middle East so that the Islamists can finish them off." WOW!!!! [Hidden Content]
  21. JoeBama Economy: US GDP “Unexpectedly” Declines by 1.4% in First Quarter – Biden Manufactured Recession Is on its Way! [Hidden Content]
  22. From the article: "A federal informant who turned over documents in an investigation into Trump’s relationship with Deutsche Bank was found dead in Los Angeles on Monday after he went missing last year." Hummm -- imagine that!! [Hidden Content]
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