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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. If PNG wants someone who can't win a State Championship, then they might as well kept who they had! Just saying!
  2. So, coaches that can actually win a State Championship can't be nice guys?!
  3. Crowd Size at Trump Rally in Texas Was Massive – an Estimated 50,000 Show Up to See President Trump in Conroe! I'd say that's a huge crowd for #45 and #47! [Hidden Content]
  4. New York Nurse Whistleblower: Recordings Reveal Possible Botched Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine on Children! Supervisor: “Make sure it’s the right one. Some people got the wrong one.” [Hidden Content]
  5. FIRST RAW VIDEO of Alleged Ballot Trafficker in GA Is Released...”He fans out ballots, takes a photo, & places them in the drop box”! [Hidden Content]
  6. Going about as well as the ticket booth! LOL!!
  7. First, you are OK with the bad part of equation of what I said?! WOW! Buddy deals are OK with you. Interesting! Second, what's delusional, my friend, is not expecting of a coach what a coach expects from himself at the beginning of every football season. And THAT is a State Championship. And to further that delusion, when it's not achieve, people blame the kids! Rarely, here, have we seen the coach blamed. It's always the kids! Sure, my expectations are high. We pay a lot of taxes and the HC gets paid a lot of money. This is why I would have a time limit. When one has low expectations, like many here, you will meet those EVERY time!! It's just like hiring a contractor. If the expectations are not met, then you find somebody else. Right!! So what's the difference? Sometimes, my friend, we just need to connect the dots!!
  8. Actually, your statement, "pushed out by your current administration" was NOT an arbitrary fact statement on your part. It was a pretty definite statement. OK, so you admit you don't know. I thought you did by your statement and I wanted to know what you knew about it. Let me explain good and bad for you. Good: Let go because the school said the coach has had a enough time to win a State Championship. Bad: If a coach is pushed out because of a preconceived buddy deal.
  9. Human smuggling is against the law! This is an impeachable offense! But, I'll ask again -- is this worst than a "mean" Tweet? Listen to the conversations by the people on the tarmac. Lets Go Brandon!
  10. From the article: ""We've got 10 years to solve the climate crisis and we need to spend our money wisely," said John Noël, senior climate campaigner at Greenpeace." AlGore said the same thing, what, 20-30 years ago? What's interesting is they don't talk about the volcano that just erupted (Hunga Tonga Hunga) that spewed into the air more than anything man as ever put into the air. And in the history of the world -- how many volcanoes have erupted? Thousands, millions? And we still have a planet and air. Why don't they talk about this? It's because it's not about the planet. They found a way to control peoples lives! [Hidden Content]
  11. Do we know this for a fact? If true, was for good or bad reasons?
  12. OK, I'll bite. There should be a reason for making this statement. So, what is your reason?
  13. Finally admitting what we already know about yobama's 2 picks! From the article: "Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said she wants Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer’s replacement to be someone “who will consider the impact, the effects of whatever decision-making is on people in our country so that they are not making decisions just based on” the law." This individual is an United States Senator and knows NOTHING about the courts!! [Hidden Content]
  14. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) on Wednesday said he will not rubber-stamp President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Stephen Breyer! [Hidden Content]
  15. OK, this forum is about opinions. In your opinion -- who do you think their man is that they already have?
  16. I heard a rumor that's he's going to nominate Kamalina Harris to the Supreme Court. This will be his way of getting rid of his lemon and then giving the lemon a promotion!
  17. Oh, that's right -- he did say it's going to be a black woman if he ever had the opportunity.
  18. He doesn't need to be on the Court. He already has 2 doing his bidding! They are activist -- not Constitutionalist! He'll probably pick this one. But it's left up to the Republicans and Manchin and Sinema to ensure a Constitutionalist.
  19. DAVID SATCHER: 4 years, *8-42-0* —staff, Clear Lake— 2010 EP Eastwood 3-7-0 2011 2012 Pasadena Rayburn 4-6-0 2013 Pasadena Rayburn 1-9-0 2014 Pasadena Rayburn 0-10-0 2015 Pasadena Rayburn 0-10-0 Is this the same guy? If it is, then by all means do Nederland a favor and hire him!
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