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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Not if they have/had the "right" coach! What do you think an actual state championship-type coach could have done with that QB they had a while back?! And didn't they have a hellacious RB this year?! It's time we start putting the blame where it belongs concerning teams that never make it to the State Title. And it's NOT on the kids!!
  2. You forget to add that he's been there 12 years and no State Championships and no State Championship appearances. Maybe there are those that finally had enough. If someone can't do it in 12 years, you think they will be able to do it in 24 years? After about 7 or 8 years you'll know if a coach is capable.
  3. Like I said before: Having CT involved is a double edged sword. The question one must ask themselves -- how deep did the loyalty go? Answer this and you'll have your answer that's in the bold print!
  4. Everything JoeBama has touched has fallen apart! [Hidden Content]
  5. You think Bela Pelosi needed another political issue?! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  6. The Orange Leader announced that Hickman is the new Head Coach at WOS! [Hidden Content]
  7. Three of them are in Texas!! From the article: "(Houston) Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg – Ogg is considered one of the more moderate of Soros’s prosecutors, and had to overcome opposition from even more left-wing prosecutors in 2020. Houston’s homicide rate rose 71% in 2021. Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot – Cruezot dropped prosecutions for thefts of “personal items” valued at less than $750, among other radical reforms, and was reduced to reminding residents that theft was still against the law. (San Antonio) Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales – Gonzales has been described as “one of Soros’s favorite DAs,” presiding over a stunning 52% increase in homicides in San Antonio since 2019, though violent crime was down overall." [Hidden Content]
  8. The Biden administration through the Home Land Security gave a special Visa to this clown. He applied and got it. He came from Briton, went through JFK and then on to Dallas. Went straight through the TSA! Makes one feel all warm and cozy concerning the TSA. Anyway, These special Visas ARE NOT supposed to be given if the individual has a criminal record. This individual did. So, I guess it's correct what I heard that last year Joebama basically said muslim terrorism is not a big concern anymore. The main concern? White Supremacy!! You can't make this up, folks! [Hidden Content]
  9. Absentee ballot drop boxes can't be used in Wisconsin any longer, a Waukesha County judge rules! [Hidden Content]
  10. As long as Jerry Jones is the owner, nothing will change. But how do you fire the owner? LOL!!
  11. I've been wanting to make the following comment for a while: Since you brought this up, now's a good time: Having CT advise is a double edged sword. Sure, his experience is invaluable. This is the good part. But -- there's also another side that is called loyalty. Coaches are a loyal breed. That can be good; can also be bad. The coach with the losing record hasn't been around for 9 years. Coaches on the present staff, who wishes to apply, will probably get the nod from CT. You know, out of loyalty they have shown CT.
  12. LOL! I'm sure some of our liberal friends could answer. BTW, I don't read them either.
  13. Oh, BTW, just curious -- did the Beaumont Enterprise and The PA News report that the test scores in PA and Beaumont schools are in the toilet?
  14. But -- JoeBama allows Russia's pipeline to proceed after Trump put a stop to it. Which one is the TRUE American??!!
  15. Come on -- Tell Me That Liberalism Is NOT A Mental Illness!!!! [Hidden Content]
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