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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Another one of Jimma Carter's created departments. Although every state has a DOE, he created this a s a payoff to the teachers unions for their support. But, you'll see what it ends up being through this article. The devils could do anything with the DOE. This is why this needs to slowly disappear! Didn't need it before Carter -- don't need it after him! [Hidden Content]
  2. From the article: "A radical Arkansas judge in the mold of Jeremiah Wright struck down four new common-sense election integrity laws approved by the Republican-controlled state legislature, declaring the statutes unconstitutional last month. The state is appealing the ruling. Pulaski County Circuit Judge Wendell Griffen is, like Wright, also a critical race theory-friendly, black nationalist, African dashiki-wearing preacher. He is also a diversity consultant, profiting from race-mongering and dividing people. He founded his firm Griffen Strategic Consulting PLLC, in Little Rock in 2008." You think this"judge" actually wants to follow the Constitution?! What's good for Arkansas, though, is this clown is supposedly retiring in 2022! [Hidden Content]
  3. I've always felt this was the plan all along. If this happens, then this gives us the first black female President. Unfortunately for us, we see she can't handle the roll as VP. And as Newt Gingrich said, she's just plain dumb. Someone played a clip of Rush Limbaugh last saying that when you see the left turn on Biden then you'll know it's over. There's a clip in this video that shows CBS has turned on Biden!
  4. I wonder if every person that is pro abortion thanks their Mother every day that she wasn’t?!
  5. How many know, or remember, that Jimma Carter created the Department Of Energy to get us "off" of foreign oil? Well, when were we energy independent? That's right -- under President Trump. Now, 15 months later -- what are we. Thant's right -- importing foreign oil. It's so bad that JoeBama tried to call Saudia Arabia and UAE for them to increase production -- but they wouldn't take his calls. How embarrassing! Now Joebama, the village idiot, is calling Venezuela, and, I think, Iran begging them for oil. Now back to the DOE. Apparently the DOE is used for whatever purpose certain administrations wants it to be. Since it's not doing what it's main purpose was far, it needs to be slowly dismantled. It wasn't needed before Carter, it's not needed now. I'm sure it employs thousands of people with a budget in the Billions. Start cutting 10% per year until it's finally down to nothing. This will give those employed time enough to find other jobs.
  6. I heard two college students ask question. This was one I heard. The other was just as great. Maybe the young people are getting it!! [Hidden Content]
  7. I just head that reason RINO Romney vote for this individual is because they said he is running for President and wants to the swamp to like him. Trump will make mince meat of this clown in a debate. Why? Why does bologna hate a meat grinder?!
  8. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is threatening to bus illegal migrants sent to his state by the Biden administration up to Delaware! [Hidden Content]
  9. That's impressive for sure. But it's ironic that they only showed up when he got there! Or -- there was this type of talent there before him and those previous coaches couldn't do anything with them. Very interesting! As for BH, there are no guarantees. We'll see what happens at his new gig.
  10. I thought you "retired" from being "in the know"?! JK!!
  11. No, one does not "lose" Elite status. Just like one does not lose Hall Of Fame status. Personally, and my opinion, I just don't think he had enough time to get a Title. It, again, took him 5 years to get the Title at Allen. He was at BH for only 5 years. I think it would have eventually come. We'll see at his new job! First bold: So, again, If this is the case, why no Titles in the 67 years prior to Westerburg showing up?!
  12. Excellent! Those are the one's that we should defer to. That's why when something silly is said (not by Reagan) , like "your clueless", I ask what's their expertise in making such a silly statement. But, anyway, one can usually tell those that only know football as a stand dweller. But, these are the ones that think (not Reagan) their opinions are worth more than others.
  13. Not sure. That's why I asked BEARCPA to help us out with the answer. But, on the other hand, do you think "any coach" could have done at Allen what Westerburg did when he was there? Or does it take a potential Elite coach to put the pieces together? Westerburg was an assistant before Allen. Therefore he did not have the Elite status. He earned it. The bold part: All I can say concerning this is, for 67 years prior to Westerburg's arrival there were not any State Titles. I'll ask you: Did this "significant access to talent" just show up when Westerburg did? I guess anything is possible. The previous coaches had about 6 decent seasons. But that's all. Out of the previous 4 or 5 coaches I looked at, only 1 had won a Title at another school. What's your opinion on this?
  14. Well, it's good to have someone actually knowledgeable in Allen football. Tell us who these D-1 player are that played during the Westerburg years. I'm sure we would all like to know to help our knowledge. I'm made many comments concerning Westerburg at BH. I'll copy and past the latest: " I have answered many times about Westerburg at BH. But i'll be glad to do it again. There are no guarantees. It took him 5 years to win the Title and he left after the fifth year at BH. He had them going in the right direction. And I think, in time, that he would have had a Title. Of course this is my opinion and presumption. I understand he is the new HC at Salado." BTW, it took Westerburg 5 years to implement his program at Allen and win his 1st Title. Unfortunately we'll never know, but he may have needed a little longer at BH. As always -- just my opnion!
  15. Pennsylvania DA finds massive ballot fraud! [Hidden Content]
  16. "Kiddie Porn Ketabji" Brown Jackson confirmed to Supreme Court -- 3 RINO Senators vote with Democrats!! Confirmed 53-47. And the RINO's were: Mitt Romney (R-UT), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME). Murkowski looks like she will probably lose in the primary that I think is coming up. The other two need to go also. If these 3 could not figure that this was a clear "no" vote, then what's the point of having them as Republicans? [Hidden Content]
  17. Thanks for the reply. So your opinion, as well as others that have no actual expertise, are no more right or wrong when it comes to other people's opinions! But making statements like you did, "That's why reagan is impossible to talk to." is saying your opinion is actually better than others. You: "your average poster on Setxsports has an above average knowledge of how sports work." That's, again, your opinion. May or may not be true. But, nothing qualifies you to make this statement. On this "sports site", unless one has the expertise in a certain sport -- then every statement you or anyone else makes is an opinion! PS -- A lot of times I'll say ,"my opinion" when stating something. A lot of times i'll try to back with what I think are facts and post them. It's funny how I don't recall you ever saying it's "my opinion!"
  18. This I can agree on. Just like a coach going 0-50. Not hard to tell this is not a very good coach. But these are easy based on results you see. The debate here has always been what does it take to turn a losing program around. Or what turns a decent program into State Champions? Oh, BTW, recently you made a comment on Westerburg only being able to win State Titles at Allen with that great QB he had. Well, at the time I really never checked Allen and Westerburg. I just took ya'lls word for it. But -- I finally looked at the facts. I responded to your post with Allen's records while Westerburg was HC. Mighty impressive record WITHOUT that QB! Plus 1 or 2 Titles WITHOUT that QB. It's strange how that never gets added or mentioned. Since you didn't respond when it was posted, care to look back over it and respond now?!
  19. WOW!! More hypocrisy! [Hidden Content]
  20. “Boycott Disney!” – Protesters Gather in Front of Disney HQ in Burbank, California! This needs to also happen at Disney World in Florida! [Hidden Content]
  21. Ballot Harvesters in Georgia Stopped at Democrat Offices In between Runs to Drop Boxes During 2020 Election! [Hidden Content]
  22. 1) What's your expertise in football to make such a statement? 2) So, just because the majority, of which 98%-99% or more here do not have the actual knowledge of the subject to make a qualified statement, agree on something just because it "sounds good", makes them right? I'll leave it at that because I think people here are smart enough to understand how silly that sounds!
  23. I heard Fauci say that an Omicon variant will hit this fall. First -- how does he know? Second -- that would be right in time for fraudulent "mail-in" ballots! Imagine that!
  24. “Fully Vaccinated and Boosted” Nancy Pelosi Has Covid — Was She Quadruple-Jabbed? [Hidden Content]
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