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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I've seen this happen before. These are coaching decisions that usually go wrong.
  2. This is 100% correct. It's a process that takes time. Depending on how bad it is. I used Liberty Hill as an example. They were horrible before Vance got there. Since things were so bad, it took him 6 years to win a Title. But, the right coach would have to be dedicated to Tarkington. If not, then all bets are off. Tarkington, like Liberty Hill, Carthage, and Aledo at one time, will not attract an elite-type coach. Schools in this losing situation "create" championship-style coaches.
  3. A new study into 2020 election discrepancies in six battleground states claims that there were at least 250,000 “excess votes” for Joe Biden, and potentially many more. [Hidden Content]
  4. CNN Analyst Blames Trump for Oscars Kerfuffle! LOL!!!! [Hidden Content]
  5. There's been a lot talk about what makes a successful football program: Is the athletes or the coach. Let's look at this: Can anyone reasonably doubt that after continuing to combine schools, and now down to 2, that United has the athletes? Since they have moved up to 6A, they have population growth in their favor. In the last 4 years they are 15-25. So, has it been the athletes or the coaching? Thoughts?!
  6. Curious: Do these kids have a choice in which school to attend?
  7. I'm going to have to make a correction: Bill Barr wouldn't pursue the Clinton sponsored Russia hoax and what was all involved in that. It wasn't the election fraud. The being afraid of being impeached is still correct.
  8. Well, this is good news. Hope we can count on him. Also read where the 2 Arizona Senators, Sinema and Kelly may be in our corner. Sen. Manchin, for some reason, said he'd vote for her. I need to find out further what's the deal with that one. Why? Because he's from a very conservative State. [Hidden Content]
  9. But this time gone to meet their virgins! [Hidden Content]
  10. Just heard why AG Bill Barr didn't pursue the election fraud allegations with more vigor was because he was afraid of getting impeached. I always wondered why Barr didn't step up more. Now we possibly know!
  11. ‘Wrong Direction’ to Choose a Supreme Court Justice Based on Skin Color: Ben Carson [Hidden Content]
  12. I wonder why@biggirl has not commented on any of the allegation against the SC Nominee? Such as light sentences for child pornographers and even apologizing to one. Plus not being able to answer what is a woman?
  13. Convict Grateful to Supreme Court Nominee for Light Sentence for Child Pornography! [Hidden Content]
  14. It was a hypothetical question. But, I respect your opinion!
  15. I know you and I, at this point, do not have the same viewpoints on the 2020 election and possible fraud. So, I propose this to you: If sometime in the near future we find out there was indeed, with 100% proof, election fraud and the election was stolen from Trump, would this be enough for you to agree to proceed with what we are talking about here?
  16. I'm going to give you a chance to have a meaningful discussion: 2 things: 1) I trust you fully understand what we are talking about here. 2) I hope you understand that this is 100% legal and Constitutional. Now, the question for you is: How bad does it have to get before you would, if at all, agree that the time has come for this? How bad is it now? Inflation is at a 40 year high. How much are you paying for gasoline and food? Happy with this? Gasoline is at its highest in U.S. history. Natural Gas has gone up 200% for families to heat their homes. They are talking about food shortages. Another food for thought: Any of this taking place under Trump? Give me your thoughts if it can get bad enough to proceed with the subject of this topic.
  17. Well this is interesting!
  18. DARRELL COLBERT 2 years, 6-12-0, 1-0-0 2020 Houston Westbury 2-5-0 2021 Houston Westbury 4-7-0 F Is this the same coach?
  19. Why did Disney think they could get away with this attack against these young students at PNG? Because they think they can do it with impunity. What's amazing, they attack these young innocent students but they are OK with have a gay/sodomite week every year. You see, if they stopped that, or didn't have this, they couldn't do it without impunity. There's no telling what the sodomites would do. So, my thought is that we need some of our elected officials contact Disney and demand an apology. And broadcast all over the news how these innocent students were treated. Which official would you think would have the most impact? I would be willing to go all the way to Cruz and/or Cornyn. We can't let this pass with no blow-back against Disney. Thoughts?!
  20. Unwoke, the Dims do love them some Low Information Voters!
  21. HA! You wanted to know the legally of this. I proved it. Then you go off in a silly direction. SMH!
  22. I like educating: Let's start with this: Speaker does not have to be a member of the House. Trump installed. Legal so far. [Hidden Content] Now, do I have to prove that we can impeach the President and VP? No. Good! Next is the tricky part. We need 2/3 of the Senate for removal. The third, or second after the VP, in line for the Presidency is the Speaker: [Hidden Content]
  23. You ever see a less athletic team win a football game?
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