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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Hummmm... This will require a comment once facts starts to flow!
  2. Joebama's infrastructure coordinator lists 'climate and equity' ahead of 'blue-collar jobs' while discussing how to spend president's $1.2 trillion infrastructure package! [Hidden Content]
  3. Could the Bears coach you are talking about be... Oh, wait, I said I wouldn’t participate in speculation until facts start rolling in. 😏😁
  4. Not UNTIL the facts are actually known!!
  5. Is Omicron a cross between COVID and the common cold? [Hidden Content]
  6. Who Says You Can’t Overturn Fraudulent Elections? The Results of a Local 2020 Election in Florida Were Just Overturned and Decertified! [Hidden Content]
  7. Well, my friend, I didn't want to comment at all until there was something factual. But, what was been said with no facts I had to interject some-what. As always, there are two sides to every story. I'll not give an actual opinion until something has been decided. And when I do -- there'll be nothing more to be said!! HA!! Just kidding!
  8. Based on what -- rumors?! Read my previous post!!
  9. Let's not rush to judgement until we have all the facts!
  10. I’ll go with Crosby in a high scoring affair!
  11. BREAKING: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Terrifies Pro-Abortion Left With ONE Opening Question! From the article: "” Does a mother have a right to ingest drugs and harm a pre-viable baby? Can the state bring child neglect charges against the mother?" he asked." [Hidden Content]
  12. Man, the praises here sure got quite after he "again" got eliminated from the playoffs.
  13. Uh, NO! Towards the end of the election, 4 States stopped the counting. All 4 States were being won by President Trump. A couple of days later, Trump lost all 4 States. The most glaring of the con games was Pennsylvania: Trump was up 700,000 votes when they stopped the count. A few days later Biden "wins" by 40,000 votes. "IF" you were actually paying attention, there is no way you could come to the conclusion there was not fraud!
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