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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Why is/was this important? Because it showed/shows that Joebama was compromised!
  2. So, here is the real story of the controversy between this guy: Oh -- and check his political affiliation!! And these guys: And this school and their dedicated kids: So the story is told to us by a source very close to the board of trustees at the school, every year at spring break rather than the kids go to the beach, get drunk or arrested or get into trouble, they save money and apply to perform at Disney. For the last 9 years, they have performed. Each year is the same. The band plays, the pom squad, and children practice for months with their blood sweat, and tears – they play two songs and then march to the Port Neches Fight song! Then the big-time starts as the kids get to enjoy the park with fake Micky, Minnie, and all the other gang, even Goofy. Disney is now a multi-billion dollar mega-machine. They own ABC and other media groups. They are woke. So as they perform, somebody gets in touch with management and this happens: And everyone goes, “who is this numbnuts?” Well, here is who he is: So we dig around a little and we find out that Chief Chucky is not only a democrat but a huge donor in the party. A huge Biden supporter and well known for his political antics including what we are told are threats – rather than a feather. So Disney, because they are democrats and woke, and stupid, issue a presser regarding these beautiful kids that have pride enough to do the SAME ROUTINE has they have done for 9 years! But no…because Disney is now woke – they are going to throw the kids out. Here look: Bwaaa! Just like the rest of the WOKE – they lie again. Here is our take. Disney should issue an apology to the children and the citizens of Port Neches, Texas. And as for the rest of us, don’t go to Disney and save your average of $5,000 for a family of four. These people that run Disney, and those that are involved in the Indian nation such as their Chief are an embarrassment to this country. And here is a little suggestion to you kids at PNG – we hope and pray your leaders and government instructors step up, stand up, and teach you the REAL American history. Never forget – you did nothing wrong. It is, again, the adults that have allowed this to happen. Bottom line – GO INDIAN NATION IN PORT NECHES! GOOD, GOD! SO WE NOW HAVE REACHED THE LEVEL OF MATURE BUSINESS LEADERS NOT STANDING UP FOR OUR CHILDREN!?!? What is that saying? Do elections have consequences? Remember that this November. Till then – enjoy this:
  3. The only one that has talked about race is the village idiot Biden. 1st "black" women VP. 1st "black" women Supreme Court Justice.
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Indeed it did! Joebama NEVER said anything about wanting a qualified black women for VP. Just like he NEVER said being qualified was part of the SCOTUS pick. He has a lot of quotas filled in his admin. This is why it's been a total failure. Quotas NEVER work!!
  6. What a dumb arse!!!! [Hidden Content]
  7. Did the Jabs Kill Former ESPN Reporter John Clayton? [Hidden Content]
  8. If there's not any blow-back from Texas or PNG ISD, then we have no one to blame but ourselves! [Hidden Content]
  9. From the article: "(Daily Mail) Progressive Democrats are urging President Joe Biden to take executive action to raise wages, combat climate change, cancel student debt, and lower health care costs. The Progressive Caucus – led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal and consisting of high-profile liberals like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar and Senator Bernie Sanders – outlined their lists of demands they said ‘would provide immediate relief to working people and their families.’ (read more)" In bold -- what does 75% of this have to do with global warming?! [Hidden Content]
  10. Thoughts?! [Hidden Content]
  11. Put a hold on this nominee!! [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. A British operative was inserted into President Trump’s White House in an effort to tarnish President Trump’s image and then derail the 2020 Election audit efforts. [Hidden Content]
  14. 89 house Dems signed a letter to Joebama saying the greatest threat is global warming. We’re in the middle of a war! Insane!
  15. From the article: "Senator Josh Hawley tweeted tonight that he’s found an alarming pattern in the opinions, advocacy and judicial decisions when it comes to sex offenders and those preying on children. Hawley says he’s seeing a “pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes.” He also notes that she’s advocated for getting rid of “existing mandatory minimum sentences for child porn” and says she’s argued that some people found with child porn are NOT pedophiles, that they are only in it for the collection or are “looking to find status in their participation in the community.” As far as her judicial decisions, Hawley writes “In every single child porn case for which we can find records, Judge Jackson deviated from the federal sentencing guidelines in favor of child porn offenders.” He demonstrates the she’s deviated quite drastically, I might add." [Hidden Content]
  16. While all of the below is quite true, the summation of the DOE leaves out the important fact that DURING THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, WE WERE COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT of foreign oil. And now we once again rely on the Arabs and others, and import a huge percent of our energy needs. This parable is alive and well after decades. Never more appropriate than now. THE NIGHT WATCHMAN Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job. Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?" So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions,and one person to do time studies. Then Congress said, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?" So they created a Quality Control department and hired two people. One was to do the studies and one was to write the reports.Then Congress said, "How are these people going to get paid?" So they created two positions: a time keeper and a payroll officer then hired two people. Then Congress said, "Who will be accountable for all of these people?" So they created an administrative section and hired three people, an Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, and a Legal Secretary.Then Congress said, "We have had this command in operation for one year and we are $918,000 over budget, we must cut back." So they laid off the night watchman. NOW slowly, let it sink in.Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter. Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY during the Carter administration?Anybody? Anything? Anyone? No? Didn't think so!Bottom line is, we've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency, the reason for which very few people who read this can remember!Ready?? It was very simple... and at the time, everybody thought it very appropriate. The Department of Energy was instituted on 8/04/1977, TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL.Hey, pretty efficient, huh???AND NOW IT'S 2022 -- 45 YEARS LATER -- AND THE BUDGET FOR THIS "NECESSARY" DEPARTMENT IS AT $242 BILLION A YEAR. IT HAS 16,000 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES AND APPROXIMATELY 100,000 CONTRACT EMPLOYEES; AND LOOK AT THE JOB IT HAS DONE!(THIS IS WHERE YOU SLAP YOUR FOREHEAD AND SAY, "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?") 34 years ago 30% of our oil consumption was foreign imports. Today 70% of our oil consumption is foreign imports.Ah, yes -- good old Federal bureaucracy. NOW, WE HAVE TURNED OVER THE BANKING SYSTEM, HEALTH CARE, AND THE AUTO INDUSTRY TO THE SAME GOVERNMENT? What can possibly go wrong?Hello!! Anybody Home? Signed.... The Night Watchman
  17. If you voted for Trump - you pay $2.00 per gallon. If you voted for Joe Biden - you pay $10.00 per gallon. Why should we pay for their stupidity?
  18. Especially the radical Supreme Court nominee. The radical pick for the the Federal Reserve withdrew her nomination. Good! The Republicans should put a hold on any radical nomination until movement on our energy independence is restored. Even if it means through the next election. I think it's doable as long as we have Manchin in our corner. Contact Cruz and see what he has to say. I will!
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