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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. 4 Special Counsel Revelations Tying Spygate To Hillary Clinton’s Campaign! [Hidden Content]
  2. When they continued into Trump's presidency, I think this is when the treason came into being! Lets Go Brandon!! Again -- if Dems can do this -- then they surely can commit election fraud!! I don't think ANYONE can reasonably disagree!
  3. Ron Klain’s Domestic Motive for Ukraine Crisis Surfaces – White House to Blame Economic Collapse, Gas Prices and Inflation on Manufactured Russia-Ukraine Conflict! [Hidden Content]
  4. Remember -- obama judges were NOT selected to uphold the Constitution. Just look at the two radicals on the Supreme Court he nominated! Same goes for Joebama! [Hidden Content]
  5. Triple-Jabbed Queen Elizabeth II, 95 -- Positive for Coronavirus!! [Hidden Content]
  6. When it comes to coaches, I think loyalty trumps the best person qualified majority of the times. Not saying Toby was most qualified. Just saying in general how coaches roll. Did we see the same thing at PNG? Maybe!
  7. In Texas, New Law Is Stopping the Steal! [Hidden Content]
  8. JoeBama Had Firm at Center of Trump Hacking Scandal on Campaign Payroll! [Hidden Content]
  9. Trudeau Donated to Black Lives Matter and Kneeled in Obedience — Then Arrests Working Truckers, Freezes Their Bank Accounts and Steals Their Dogs who Oppose His Vax Mandates!! [Hidden Content]
  10. Did he not get recommended because he wasn't part of the "Dodge" family situation? Hummmmm!?
  11. John Durham Slaps Down Crooked Hillary’s Front Man Michael Sussman’s Assertion That Media Muddied HillaryGate! [Hidden Content]
  12. Here comes $7 gas prices, warns oil strategist in dire outlook! Thanks JoeBama!! [Hidden Content]
  13. Would like people's thoughts on why Callahan did this. But, it's like the guy said: "Callahan is a puppet." so...
  14. Papadopoulos sheds light on Hillary’s ‘master class’ in deception. ‘Just wait until you see’ what’s coming, he says! [Hidden Content]
  15. Top House Republican: ‘We are Going After’ FBI & Clinton for Spying on Trump Based on ‘Explosive’ Durham Memo! [Hidden Content]
  16. Two Young Boys Found Dead in Bed after Second Pfizer Shot! [Hidden Content]
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