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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Just saw on Newsmax that Nabisco just went woke. There is a commercial about Oreo cookies — that has nothing to do with Oreo cookies. As a matter of fact they do not show any Oreos in the commercial. But what the commercial does show is a young man having anxiety about coming out as gay/sodomite to his family. Again — what does this have to do with cookies??!!
  2. Let me make sense of this. HA! I was saying: "I don't, unless you do, know what raw talent Tarkington has had through he years.
  3. U.S Rep Lauren Boebart implores Elon Musk to lift poltical censorship on Twitter and reinstate President Trump! Love it! [Hidden Content]
  4. Maybe Dubose can take the Beaumont ISD AD job. I understand they are struggling in that position and needs some help! 😁
  5. Correct. Some places, more work is needed. But, since there aren’t many Elite coaches then it may not ever happen. But it doesn’t mean you stop trying. Remember, it’s process. Just because Buchanan would show up again at any school and not set the process in motion, then that fail. Do you think that some coaches can take decent athletes and through the process they can make them a whole lot better? Do you think that Dodge had anything to do with developing his QB talent at SLC and Westlake? Or, since coaching doesn’t matter, that “any” coach could have the same thing? Maybe! But my advise to you is not to make a bet on it. You talked about comparable talent. Just a note, I talk about before Buchanan, Surratt, got there. I don’t, unless you, why raw talent Tarkington has had through the years? Well, this will be a matter of opinion. Second, we don’t know what type of talent is walking the halls. It’s amazing how you usually find out if/when you start winning. Because everybody wants to be a part of winning. Why — because winning solves a whole lots of problems. PS — you ever see a less talented team beat a far better talent team? If you have, I would say they were better coached! BTW, didn’t Liberty Hill beat Crosby pretty bad in the playoffs? My opinion is that Crosby had the better overall talent. But that night, Crosby was out coached. Again, my opinion!
  6. So, the talent only showed up when Buchanan, Surratt and Briles got their? Hummm...
  7. Spending Spree Fueling Inflation! [Hidden Content]
  8. It's interesting if it's not about the coaching, then I can presume by those that feel this way, that all coaches are the same?! And it's their fortune or misfortune to have or not to have the talent?! So, through the previous 78 years and through 19 coaches before Briles -- why no State Titles before he got there? Talk about coaches that were unfortunate! BTW -- same goes for Aledo and Carthage. All their previous coaches, I guess, had the same bad luck as the ones at Stephenville. Why you don't see it that often -- is because their aren't that many Elite coaches out their! BTW -- I'm still mulling over statement that Danaher is an Elite but Dodge isn't. But, again, that's your opinion and this is what we do here!
  9. I'm sure they were saying the same thing at Stephenville when he took that. Remember -- they were just as bad. He did it once, why couldn't he do it again? I'll ask my old stand-by question: What in Briles past would make you think he couldn't?
  10. [Hidden Content] know, get on the inside and shack things up.trendingpolitics.com/bombshell-hunter-biden-text-reveals-joe-biden-made-him-give-him-half-his-salary-for-over-30-years-knab/
  11. Just heard Newt Gingrich say that there was a poll in Britain that the Democracy Institute released, said that 52% of the American people think it would be better for America's future for Joebama to leave than Putin (43%). This is bad! But 81 Million voted for this village idiot. LOL!!
  12. Well, I went back to every page to see if you posted something concerning this subject. Guess what? No postings. So, got to wonder why all of a sudden you are concerned about it. Anyway, if you had been paying attention, there is a correlation about Briles and Tarkington. It may take a few side roads but so what? Point started off being that Stephenville was very much in the same boat as Tarkington. I even posted Stephenville's records before Briles got there. Point being -- it took the right coach to come in and right the ship. I believe it took him 6 years to implement his program which resulted in 4 State Titles. And BTW -- during those Title runs he was 63-1. Impressive in anyone's book. Tarkington will need someone dedicated to staying there and implementing a program that reaches all the way down to the junior high level. And just as Brownwood was the big dog in Stephenville's district, that eventually fell to Stephenville, it appears that East Chambers is the big dog here. This would be the goal to topple East Chambers. But, can just any coach do it? No. But, as with any hire -- you never know if you got the "right" coach or not!
  13. It's about time we start using this strategy. You know, get on the inside and shack things up. I've always thought this was one avenue. But, this is really the first time I've seen it happen. Love it! He could end up buying the whole company for 40 Billion and taking it private. Won't be hard for him since he's worth, like, 270 Billion. We'll see if Twitter starts to loosen up. [Hidden Content]
  14. Former AG Barr Stopped Investigations into Trailer Load of 288,000 Ballots into PA from New York in 2020 Election – Barr Refused to Provide Whistleblower Protection – Now the USPS Won’t Provide Investigation Report!! [Hidden Content]
  15. How To Fight Back Against Woke Companies Like Disney! [Hidden Content]
  16. Latest rally was in Michigan. It was an indoor event, 7,000 people inside and 21,000 people outside!! Just to go to show you how dishonest the lame stream media is, they take pictures at the beginning of the rally with only a hand full of people there. Then they broadcast those pics and report no one is showing up. Again -- if they are still treating him like this, trust me -- they are scared! [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  17. Like they always say: You Can't Fix Stupid!!
  18. Florida Rep. Gaetz Rallies State Legislators Against Woke Disney: ‘I’ll Tell You How to Trap This Rodent’! [Hidden Content]
  19. I will answer your question. But, first, I'm curious: What exactly was Briles found guilty of and when did this happen?
  20. Defund Disney! From the article: "Disney has chosen a "hill to die on". The President of Disney recently bragged that she will make sure half of all characters in Disney movies, television shows and videos are either gay, lesbian, trans, or minorities. I have no problem with that." [Hidden Content]
  21. I thought quotas were illegal? Anyway, why just offensive coaches? When is the NFL going to start demanding quotas on the teams? I know the makeup of the 22 personnel on the teams does not reflect the makeup of America. So -- why only going 1 way?! [Hidden Content]
  22. From the article: "“We are increasing our capacity to process new arrivals, evaluate asylum requests,” said a statement from Alejandro Mayorkas, who heads Biden’s Department of Homeland Security and is trying to build an extra immigration system that operates alongside annual limits set by Congress." 2 interesting things: 1) We have immigration laws. So how can the head of Homeland Security arbitrarily make this decision? It goes on to say that Joebama will agree with it. 2) Since we have immigration laws, again, from the article, "Department of Homeland Security and is trying to build an extra immigration system that operates alongside annual limits set by Congress." An "extra immigration system that operates alongside annual limits set by Congress"? Is this legal? All I can say is we need some lawsuits here! [Hidden Content]
  23. Joebama's Diversity SC nominee chose leniency even in baby sex torture cases! [Hidden Content]
  24. Jim Jordan agrees: Record crime. Record inflation. Record gas prices. Record number of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border. And what does the democrats doing -- legalizing drugs! Plus he said, using American tax dollars to kick start and prop up the marijuana industry. He also stated that every major urban area has increased crime. And this is what the Dims chose to concentrate on!
  25. Info comes from the video: Apple is tied up with China big time. The CEO of Apple did a "secret" deal with Chinese authorities worth $275 Billion. And they are looking for suppliers, including China, for their memory chips for their IPhones. The questions are: Where is the CEO's outrage concerning China's muslim prison camps? How about the outrage of China bulldozing churches and terrorizing religious orders? It's amazing that the CEO would praise the devils in China but would rabidly attack a law in Florida that would help the children. BTW, once people actually knew what the bill said, it's 2-1 in favor of it. Evil Flourishes When Good People Do Nothing!
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