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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. LOL! I'm sure some of our liberal friends could answer. BTW, I don't read them either.
  2. Oh, BTW, just curious -- did the Beaumont Enterprise and The PA News report that the test scores in PA and Beaumont schools are in the toilet?
  3. But -- JoeBama allows Russia's pipeline to proceed after Trump put a stop to it. Which one is the TRUE American??!!
  4. Come on -- Tell Me That Liberalism Is NOT A Mental Illness!!!! [Hidden Content]
  5. To our liberal friends here: What say you?! [Hidden Content]
  6. Fully Vaccinated *And Boosted* Mark Milley Tests Positive For Covid-19 Four Days After Having Contact with JoeBama! [Hidden Content]
  7. When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Sillier!! [Hidden Content]
  8. Video Shows Pennsylvania Official Admitting Election Laws Were Broken In 2020! [Hidden Content]
  9. The 8 Lies Governments Everywhere Parrot About Covid-19! [Hidden Content]
  10. No fraud, huh?! LOL. And, yes, elections can be over turned if fraud is proven!
  11. Did he sneak through the southern border?
  12. Ex-President's amassed a $115million election 'war chest', has a new slogan, and 82 per cent of Republicans will back him if he decides to run again in 2024!! [Hidden Content]
  13. How Leftist Global Warming Policy Will Wreck Your Truck! [Hidden Content]
  14. Are all cults bad? Would you think Christianity is a cult? You know, defense of and support of Jesus. Some may have not liked Trump's tweets. But his tweets NEVER made it into policy. He put America first at everything he tried to do. If you do not agree with this, give us examples of where this is not true.
  15. Displayed photos of himself posing at the Briefing Room podium at his Palm Beach mansion! [Hidden Content]
  16. Government data: COVID infections, deaths soar after vaccination! [Hidden Content]
  17. You are also discounting the coup against Trump that was started even before he was inaugurated!
  18. Well, it's a good thing the Republicans did! The present Attorney General is who was turned down. This guy is a fruit cake! Trump's pick is s constitutionalist, Garland is not! Think about Yobama's other picks and think about how better off we are without this clown on the Supreme Court!
  19. JoeBama All But Concedes Defeat On Bills Legalizing Democrat Voter Fraud! [Hidden Content]
  20. According to what I've read, anyone can make a FOI request. But the games that these school boards play is that they'll release to the requester after it's all said and done. But I say that's OK also. We can see who was on the list and if there were any agendas being played out. The sad part, though, is by that time it's too late.
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