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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Great video! [Hidden Content]
  2. Herschel Walker on Tuesday filed paperwork to run for U.S. Senate in Georgia! Excellent! [Hidden Content]
  3. NEW STUDY: MASKS DON’T WORK! [Hidden Content]
  4. Not many returning starters for Lancaster and a new coach who appears to never have been a head coach before. So -- advantage goes to PA!
  5. Only way Crosby wins is if Carthage doesn't show up!
  6. Talk about insane: "Internal Numbers Show White House Poised To Leave Several Thousand Americans Behind Enemy Lines In Afghanistan" [Hidden Content]
  7. Political setup? [Hidden Content]
  8. For all you Joebama lovers out there! [Hidden Content]
  9. “On A Scale of 1 to 10… I Would Say It’s a 12!” – Jovan Pulitzer On the Seriousness of the Audit Results in His 197 Pages in Arizona Audit Report! [Hidden Content]
  10. Does anyone know if, if any, Kelly ever participated in a State Title game? If so, how many times and how many wins?
  11. Imagine a world where there was a 99.7% chance you would not crap your pants. But you're forced to wear diapers just in case: NOT for you -- but for others!
  12. Hagar, my friend, what's changed at Vidor that would make you think any other result would be possible?!
  13. Will need to find out how the two coaches stack up before a prediction can be made!
  14. The commies must "really be scared!" [Hidden Content] As a side note to this: We have to watch September 14. This is the crucial election day for the future of California. There are two parts to this election. Part 1: Vote for or against the recall. If the recall passes, then they go to part 2 which is the election part to pick a new Governor. Now, Larry Elder is leading the pact. If one feels so inclined, you might want to send Larry some money: [Hidden Content] I will be sending him some money!
  15. I guess the salient question is: Was WB actually good or was PNG actually bad?
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