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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. OUCH!! That's a dang good question!
  2. I just heard that 1,000 ISIS criminals were released from Afghan prisons. You think they might be coming for us? How, one might ask: Maybe threw Jobama's open southern border?!
  3. Before I make a prediction, what offense is Nederland running? Still in the Spread? Haven't seen them this year but will be at the game Friday.
  4. Anyone watching this one? If so, updates?
  5. Female CNN Reporter Who Said Taliban ‘Seem Friendly’, Gets Chased By Armed Taliban After Being Told To Cover Face! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  6. You know it's bad when they go to a clinton political hack like Steppy-stephanopoulos to interview Joebama about the fiasco. It was never going to be hard hitting interview! You know, like constantly interrupting him and trying to make himn look as sorry as he really is. But wait -- he got 80 Million votes!
  7. Since when does the Education Dept really have any power to dictate to local school districts anything??!! Jimma carter created this in the late 70's as a payoff to school unions for their support! This, along with the Energy Dept, also created by Jimma, should have been done away with a long time ago! Both colossal waste of taxpayer money! Why the mask talk and not much on the fiasco? Because the mask part is easy. The total fiasco in Afghanistan is to hard for the "not ready for prime time" players! We have seen the results of their incompetency!!
  8. From the article: "President Donald Trump criticized the next phase of vaccine distribution as a scheme by biotech giant Pfizer to make more money. Discussing the topic of vaccine booster shots with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo, the president said it makes total financial sense for Pfizer to distribute as many jabs as possible. [Hidden Content]
  9. Thanks to Joebama the Taliban Now Controls 11 Former US Bases, Approximately 174 Humvees, 10,000 High Explosive Rockets and 6 Light Attack Aircraft!! [Hidden Content]
  10. Trump-Appointed Judge Rules Against Covid Vaccine Mandate at Louisiana Medical School! [Hidden Content]
  11. Taliban Tells United States That Forces Need To Be Out By September 11. I bet Joebama does!! [Hidden Content]
  12. I will predict that Vidor will not score against WOS when the 1st teams are playing!
  13. He/She can't! All they had was snowflake meltdowns of mean Tweets by Trump! LOL!
  14. Taliban will be allowed to STAY on Twitter - as long as they don't 'glorify violence' - while ex-president Trump is still banned! [Hidden Content]
  15. Joebama's State Dept Halted A Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed At Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover. [Hidden Content]
  16. When one leads from behind, also like yobama did, with an America last philosophy, like yobama did also, then nothing good comes of it.
  17. Joebama pulled out the military before he got all the US citizens out. What a moron! But -- he got 80 Million votes. Yeah, right!
  18. First of all, this fiasco is 100% owned by Joebama. The President, Vice President and Press secretary are all on vacation while this disaster was happening. If this was happening while Trump was president, can you imagine the field day the press would have?! I saw him say this last night on TV: From the article: "“I told him (Taliban leader) up front, I said, “Look, up front, before we start, let me just tell you right now that if anything bad happens to Americans or anybody else or if you ever come over to our land, we will hit you with a force that no country has ever been hit with before, a force so great you won’t even believe it,’” Trump said. "If anything bad happens to Americans or anybody else we will hit you w/ a force that no country has ever been hit w/ before. A force so great you won't even believe it. And your village, and we know where it is, and I named it, will be the first one."" You can believe Joebama NEVER said anything like this!! [Hidden Content]
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