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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. CDC Director Admits Claim That Over 99% of In-Hospital Covid Deaths Were Among Unvaccinated People Was Junk! [Hidden Content]
  2. At Least 20 Percent of Illegal Alien Minors Test Positive for COVID! Thank you, Joebama! What say you, BigGirl?! [Hidden Content]
  3. Thousands of Covid infected illegals crossing the border and this is what some people thinks is important! SMH!!
  4. Israel’s Top Respiratory Doctor Blows Whistle on Vaccine Effectiveness and American Media Ignores Completely! [Hidden Content]
  5. The salient point is: Pamfam10, or any other liberal here, doesn't watch Fox. But they are an authority on the network! LOL!!
  6. More from Newt Gingrich's book, Trump: "For each minute the broadcast evening newscast spent talking about the president's successful economic programs, viewers heard 77 minutes about the Democrat's impeachment push, a massive disparity. Overall, coverage of the president was 93% negative during the last 4 months, reaching 95% negative in January 2020."
  7. So, after the first week of practice, how has your team looked so far?
  8. Two things: 1) Tell me something I don't already know. 2) In the picture, this ought to be child abuse. These two children do not know, at this time, what they are doing. But, if they continue on to be props they will grow to have the same "liberal plantation" mentality. Again -- child abuse!! [Hidden Content]
  9. From the article: "The CDC reported today that only 28.4% of the black community have received the Covid vaccine. With states like CA and NY mandating vaccine passports to enter restaurants and businesses, the black community would be most affected by this modern day segregation!" Now this could get interesting!! [Hidden Content]
  10. Which side pushed the narrative about Russian collusion? Didn't even do their due diligence to find the truth. From Newt Gingrich's book, Trump: " Harvard finds the CNN and NBC's coverage of President Trump is 93% negative. Again, there was a huge, intense news media consensus that the so-called whistleblower at the center of the Democrat's impeachment plan could not be named. Reporters and hosts of news shows would cut off Republicans and try to shame them if they insisted on trying to name this person. So the news media created an entirely new rule that (without evidence) you could accuse the president of the United Sates of a crime, spur an impeachment effort, and remain anonymous. This violated Trump's basic right to face his accuser. It violated every principle of common sense. Something as serious as an impeachment should require basic evidence." So, why didn't the main stream media seek to find this evidence? Because they have gotten in bed with the socialist/totalitarian movement. Which just so happens to be housed in the Democratic party!
  11. Hagar, it was a perfect storm to be able to cheat in an election. Plus, it's all about control. They really don't care what crisis it is.
  12. Mother of Conservative Activist Speaks with The Gateway Pundit After He Dies from COVID Vaccine – He Was Only 27! [Hidden Content]
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