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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. You are right. It took the right coach to come in and make that happen. Same thing at Aledo. There aren’t that many elite coaches around. If it was easy, then every head coach would have a dozen or more State Titles. The fact of the matter is is that it’s hard. And it’s not a “one trick pony” situation. But the nucleus of any sustained championship team is the head coach!
  2. It says “the disappearance of summer sea ice...” The salient point is these global alarmist don’t know what this looked like 2,000 to 3,000 years ago. Very good possibility that at some point in time in history the very exact same thing could have been happening. Meaning a normal occurrence. But, who are we to say this is bad? Humans think a lot of themselves when they actually think we can do something about Mother Nature. But — really it’s not about that, is it?! It’s about using this to control the people.
  3. Did Carthage have any State titles before Surratt got there? How many since? So, what changed?
  4. With all due respect, I’m sure some were saying the same thing about Carthage at one time. Now you see what happened when the right coach is hired?!
  5. Can’t say I ever have. For the socialist here, this is a good lesson when a company that’s in it for a profit has to watch it’s p’s and q’s. It’s just sad that we allow agencies to lose billions of dollars each year and not a darn thing is ever done! Plus, I think there’s a postal union. WHY?!
  6. I’m still a firm believer that the U. S. postal service is nothing more than a jobs program for minorities. How else can you explain them losing billions and billions of dollars each year and nothing ever done about it?!
  7. FOR SALE: I'm selling my "white privilege" card. It's in mint condition. It has never been used, not even one time. Reason for selling is that it hasn't done a damn thing for me! No free college, no free food, no free housing, no free anything. I actually had to go to work every day of my life while paying a boatload of taxes to carry those who chose not to work! If you're interested, I prefer cash but would be willing to do an even trade for a Race Card which seems much more widely accepted and comes with countless benefits if you fit the profile! Interested? Contact me on my "free" Government paid for, Non-Obama cell phone that I pay for every month… Serious buyers only!
  8. This is why the disparity in pay. If women's soccer generated the same revenue then they'ed make the same. Not rocket science!
  9. Women's soccer makes money once every 4 years. Men's soccer makes money pretty much all the time. men's soccer championship is widely more popular than the women's soccer championship. Plus, these ladies signed a contract to be paid what they are paid. Then they complain about it! The first two are basically the reason why the pay inequity. I don't think that anyone can reasonably doubt if the games were equal then women would be paid the same or close to it. Again, what ever they could negotiate!
  10. State Senator Sonny Borrelli to Arizona Democrats: “Are You Afraid of What We May Find or Are You Afraid of What YOU KNOW We May Find?” [Hidden Content]
  11. BOOM! From the article: "If the state of Arizona does not come up with the ballots for Joe Biden they won’t have the victory." [Hidden Content]
  12. Kind of curious about ol' Jessamyn though: If yoga is polluted -- then why is she partaking?!
  13. So, she must actually love America when making this statement. Because isn't hamas and the taliban her peeps?
  14. Jessamyn Stanley is a yoga instructor and “body activist” (what's that?). Jessamyn is making headlines for some reason after blaming white supremacy for polluting yoga. Again -- say WHAT?! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  15. no more burger king for me until they change their evil, unbiblical ways! Chick-Fila is pounding the competition. I can understand others wanting to attack in some fashion to become more competitive. But -- to think that siding with the LGBQ-LMNOP movement is the way to go, well, I hope hope they sink to the bottom with all the other devils!
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