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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Jobama Dumped Trump’s Cheap Insulin Program On Same Day He Promised 500 MILLION Vaccines For Other Countries! [Hidden Content]
  2. My thought is that you should not get back more than you have paid in taxes that year.
  3. Then why is your side in a constant panic concerning these election fraud audits?! Would like your opinion!
  4. I'm talking when 1 explodes not just sitting there. How many have exploded since the dawn of time?
  5. Again -- what are they afraid of?! [Hidden Content]
  6. 5,000 years ago, we were in an ice age. Now we are not. Did "man" cause this to happen.? Or could it be just "naturally" occurring?! BTW -- 1 volcano exploding is worst than anything man has ever done. Releasing tons of "bad stuff" into the atmosphere. How many volcanoes have exploded in the history of the world? And yet we still have an atmosphere!
  7. This is true. Trump had an increase in latino and black votes. Especially among the males.
  8. It appeared you were talking about football head coaches at Warren. If you were not, then never mind. But, if you were then that was what the "who" was for.
  9. The problem was, and the other side knew it, that there wasn't enough time for the lawsuits to run it's normal course. I personally thought that it could have been done within the frame work of the election time tables. But, apparently, that's not the way it works. The mere fact that the other side is in panic mode about these audits says volumes!! [Hidden Content]
  10. The only plausible explanation is that he couldn't remember that he was supposed to! SMH!
  11. From the article: "...the United States Department of Defense provided $39 million in grant funding to “EcoHealth Alliance” as part of the aggregated grant funding received by EcoHealth Alliance to conduct various types of “gain of function” virus research – a type of research in which scientists engineer viruses to make them more transmissible or lethal and which can be used to create bioweapons." [Hidden Content]
  12. Man, how does connect those dots?! Well, this way. From the article: "May jobs report as a jumping off point for more spending on infrastructure and education to keep growth going." Well, there you have it. The difference between a socialist and capitalist. Yobama's economy sucked. President Trump's economy soared because he believed in the private sector. As it did during Reagan's years, the private sector fueled an excellent economy! [Hidden Content]
  13. Once a community agitator always a community agitator! That's all he's good for: Causing problems.
  14. Well, well -- it looks like President Trump was right all along to believe that this virus came from Wuhan China!
  15. From Allen to PNG: Very interesting!
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