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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I’ll go with Crosby in a high scoring affair!
  2. BREAKING: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Terrifies Pro-Abortion Left With ONE Opening Question! From the article: "” Does a mother have a right to ingest drugs and harm a pre-viable baby? Can the state bring child neglect charges against the mother?" he asked." [Hidden Content]
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. Man, the praises here sure got quite after he "again" got eliminated from the playoffs.
  5. Uh, NO! Towards the end of the election, 4 States stopped the counting. All 4 States were being won by President Trump. A couple of days later, Trump lost all 4 States. The most glaring of the con games was Pennsylvania: Trump was up 700,000 votes when they stopped the count. A few days later Biden "wins" by 40,000 votes. "IF" you were actually paying attention, there is no way you could come to the conclusion there was not fraud!
  6. From the article: "This is a privacy disaster in the making, and the fact that the provision made it through the Congress reveals — yet again — how little its members care about the privacy of their constituents. Adding what amounts to a mandatory, backdoor government “kill switch” to cars is not only a violation of our constitutional rights, but an affront to what is — or used to be — an essential element of our national character. Unless this regulatory mandate is not quickly removed or defanged by way of an appropriations rider preventing its implementation, the freedom of the open road that individual car ownership brought to the American Dream, will be but another vague memory of an era no longer to be enjoyed by future generations." [Hidden Content]
  7. Soros-Funded ‘Disinformation’ Group Paid Nearly $1 Million More To Creators Of Steele Dossier Disinformation Operation! [Hidden Content]
  8. Another Week, Another “Fully Vaccinated” NFL Head Coach Goes Down with Covid and He’s Not Alone! [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. What does my excellent prediction and a kid getting hurt have to do with one another?? No one wants a kid hurt. It's a little bizarre that you would think that. Apparently you are trying to connect dots that aren't there. Trying to confuse to hide your prediction? LOL! Football is a collision sport and with that goes, unfortunately, injuries. But to constantly blame the officials since PNG's wupping, is a bit disingenuous. Yeah, officials are going to make mistakes. But to say they lost control of the game, well, again, is connecting dots that aren't there. Unless you are also blaming the officials for PNG's wupping!
  11. I always say you have to have the right coach. Same athletes, different coach!
  12. Joebama has put on a travel ban from Africa. BUT, he allows illegals from Africa to cross the border. What an un-American moron!!
  13. South African Doctor Who Discovered “Omicron” Variant Says There’s Nothing to Worry About – Only Mild Symptoms! [Hidden Content]
  14. Commie Chuck Todd Lets Cat out of the Bag on Media’s Obsession With New COVID Variant! From the article: "For those still harboring the notion that journalists at national news outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and the like are focusing like laser beams on Omicron out of concern for how it may negatively impact the American people, news anchors at both NBC News and ABC News gave the game away during rather revealing segments this morning where they fretted on how a potential mass outbreak of the new variant on par with the Delta variant could … hurt Joe Biden and Democrats next year." Again -- NOT that they are worried about Americans getting hurt!! [Hidden Content]
  15. Well, weasel, let's revisit my prediction: "Going with Texas High by at least 2 touchdowns!" And let's revisit your response: "Not happening" All I can say is -- dang, I'm good! And BTW -- stop blaming the officials!
  16. Hummmm, that's interesting. Don't think I ever heard of Buchanan ever being accused of getting outcoached at Aledo!
  17. Explosive Interview, UK Cardiologist Highlights Link Between mRNA Vaccines and Heart Disease, While Noting Researchers Withholding Data Fearful of Losing Funding! [Hidden Content]
  18. Another reason to get rid of the United Nations!! [Hidden Content]
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