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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Nazi's would love our present day social media! [Hidden Content]
  2. Again, in the "say what" category! [Hidden Content]
  3. From the article: " On Wednesday, a face-masked high school distance runner in Oregon collapsed unconscious on the track a few meters from the finish line — due to what her coach deemed “complete oxygen debt.” Maggie suffered a burn to her face along with scraped elbows and knees. “I was pushing so hard and everything went blurry and I just fell,” she said. After the race, Coach Dave Turnbull took issue with the state’s rules which require face masks even on competing distance runners outdoors." [Hidden Content]
  4. Joebama considers asylum for people displaced by global warming! Along with being one of the dumbest things I've heard lately, there's a question that begs to be asked: Joebama -- if global warming is so bad here, why would you want to offer anyone asylum here?! [Hidden Content]
  5. Hagar, they are like snakes. No matter how nice you are them and how nice you think they are to you -- they are going to end up biting you! Why -- because that's what snakes do!!
  6. What, now math is racist? Maybe some of our liberal friend here can explain and help us understand. Man, I guess things are really bad when 1 + 1 = 2 is a hard concept to grasp!! SMH!!
  7. WOW! Who could have seen this coming?! LOL! Mad Max Maxine got her wish! [Hidden Content]
  8. Where the Post Office Likely Got Their List of Conservatives to Spy On! [Hidden Content]
  9. Like Billy Preston used to sing: "Nothing from nothing leaves nothing!" True then -- absolutely true now!!
  10. Why do they have this: "The law enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal Service"? That's the first thing. The next, and equal, this is not their function!
  11. This is what he thinks is important! Does this violate the Constitution? Is this typical thought control by a socialist dictator? [Hidden Content]
  12. Do we actually need an UIL?
  13. The Dims worst nightmare. Especially after watching the clown show over the past few months. Oh, by the way -- did you know there is money for "racial injustice" and "global warming" in the "infrastructure" bill? Again, what?! These people that come up with stuff like this are like rapid dogs. They can't help themselves! [Hidden Content]
  14. I know a lot of times we get carried away with presumptions and hypotheticals here, but what sort of actual move-in numbers at Aledo are we talking about. 1 every year? 1 every other year? 22 a year? 50 a year? Or, are these numbers exaggerated to try and prove their point that something like this needs to happen in order to have a continued sustained quality program?
  15. OUCH!! But -- but -- remember, the KKK was the part of the Democratic party. So, she gets it honest and should know the tactics very well. And if she don't remember, she can always ask her buddy Billy-boy Clintonista! Remember who his hero and mentor was?! [Hidden Content]
  16. I think the mere panic from the Dims over the legit voting law in Georgia says volumes. I just saw where "religious" leaders in Georgia has called for a boycott of Home Depot because they haven't made any statements against the law. Religious leaders?! Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. al "not so Sharp" sharpton, j. jackson, j. wright and Calypso Louie are so-called religious leaders. But -- we also know they are 100% evil personified!!
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