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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Joebama's State Dept Halted A Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed At Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover. [Hidden Content]
  2. When one leads from behind, also like yobama did, with an America last philosophy, like yobama did also, then nothing good comes of it.
  3. Joebama pulled out the military before he got all the US citizens out. What a moron! But -- he got 80 Million votes. Yeah, right!
  4. First of all, this fiasco is 100% owned by Joebama. The President, Vice President and Press secretary are all on vacation while this disaster was happening. If this was happening while Trump was president, can you imagine the field day the press would have?! I saw him say this last night on TV: From the article: "“I told him (Taliban leader) up front, I said, “Look, up front, before we start, let me just tell you right now that if anything bad happens to Americans or anybody else or if you ever come over to our land, we will hit you with a force that no country has ever been hit with before, a force so great you won’t even believe it,’” Trump said. "If anything bad happens to Americans or anybody else we will hit you w/ a force that no country has ever been hit w/ before. A force so great you won't even believe it. And your village, and we know where it is, and I named it, will be the first one."" You can believe Joebama NEVER said anything like this!! [Hidden Content]
  5. yobama freed the taliban leader who engineered the Kabul takeover! More America last policy! [Hidden Content]
  6. NIH Director Francis Collins Admits Masking Rules for Kids Are Based on Rare Anecdotes, Not Data! [Hidden Content]
  7. Hawaii whistle blower: 'More patients dying from vaccine than Covid'! [Hidden Content]
  8. This is a pretty broad and unsupportable statement!
  9. Afghan “Refugee” Flight Overwhelmingly Filled With Fighting-Age Males! [Hidden Content]
  10. Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Launches Scathing Attack on Biden! [Hidden Content]
  11. From the article: "'The buck stops with me', says Biden but then proceeds to blame Afghan fiasco on Trump and locals who failed to fight the Taliban before staking $500M in aid to refugees then fleeing back to Camp David!" Typical mentally ill liberal -- blaming everybody else! [Hidden Content]
  12. Thanks! I'll take a blessing anywhere I can get it!
  13. America Last: Joebama Will Not Prioritize Americans Over Afghans in Afghanistan Evacuation! [Hidden Content]
  14. More liberal mental illness: PRIDE COMES BEFORE THE FALL: US Embassy in Kabul Was Celebrating Pride Month as Taliban Launched Final Campaign to Retake Country! [Hidden Content]
  15. JOE BIDEN’S SAIGON: Afghans Fall from Plane Fleeing Kabul Airport — Crowds at Airport Worse than Withdrawal from Vietnam! [Hidden Content]
  16. If Trump was President, Not One Democrat in America Would be Vaxxed! I know for a fact that last year Kamalina Harris said if Trump tells me to take the vaccine I WILL NOT TAKE IT! So... [Hidden Content]
  17. Seriously?!
  18. Joebama's Saigon moment! If you are too young to understand -- look it up! [Hidden Content]
  19. Head coaches will live or die with their decisions! But the question is: Can Lumberton field 22 players that can make a run for the State Title?
  20. Yobama’s Former Ambassador to Afghanistan: I Question Biden’s ‘Ability to Lead Our Nation’! Dang, it's getting bad when ever a member of the commie brigade thinks you are sorry! LOL! [Hidden Content]
  21. My thought exactly! I know they had been reporting such things as deaths due to natural causes as "covid" related. I even think they were reporting people dying in car wrecks as "covid" related. So...
  22. Who Benefits From the Taliban Takeover? The Same Country That Has Paid Millions to the Bidens! [Hidden Content]
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