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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Frauds! [Hidden Content]
  2. President Trump is leading the good fight! [Hidden Content]
  3. Leftists Rush to Claim Capitol Police Attacker Was ‘White Trump Supporter’… Suspect is Actually Young Black Man! [Hidden Content] Capitol Hill Suspect is "Calypso" Louis Farrakhan Supporter Identified as 25-Year-Old Noah Green! [Hidden Content]
  4. When it starts to hit him in the pocket book then we'll just see how "woke" he is! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  5. I heard Fauci originally say that ONLY those infected should wear a mask. Then, Ted Cruz questioned him recently: Ted asked, Mr Fauci you had both vaccine shots. But you are now wearing 2 masks. It appears that you are wearing these mask now just for show!
  6. From the article: "Delta Airlines CEO Blasts “Unacceptable” Georgia Voter ID Law — Forgets Delta Requires Photo ID to Fly on Their Planes" [Hidden Content]
  7. Wasn't inferring any thing against the previous coach. Just making a statement that it's good when any school can get an elite coach. Morris has 3 State Championships which puts him in the elite category. As for as Westerberg, again, he's earned his elite status. Just like when one becomes a Hall of Famer: It's what one has accomplished and it's not taken away. Westerberg has been there only 5 years. Who knows, it make take 6 or 10 years. It took Briles 7 years for the first Title at Stephenville. Things may be a little tougher at BH. Who would you rather be trying to gain a Title, one with Westerberg's back ground or a coach that came in with an 0-30 previous head coaching record?
  8. Sure it was! A vote for freedom from a Dim exceeding his authority! Not hard to understand!
  9. From the article: "...the state’s Supreme Court ruled that Evers mandate exceeded his authority." Imagine a Dim exceeding their authority! LOL!! Another vote for freedom!! [Hidden Content]
  10. When you can't win legally, you try to win ILLEGALLY! Just like this past presidential election!
  11. It's truly amazing how voter ID laws scrambles liberals brains! CBS, fair and balanced?! Yeah, right!! [Hidden Content]
  12. Always good for a school when they can get one of the few elite coaches!
  13. Also, seats belts should not be law. This should be an individual option of freedom if a person wants to wear one. As it is now, if you don't you are a criminal. I'm not one to want more laws to "save me from myself!"
  14. [Hidden Content] From the Youtube site: "Sky News host James Morrow says the world has become a “more dangerous place” as the US military falls prey to identity politics under the Biden administration and China-Taiwan relations spiral. On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, and in the Middle East, Iran rebel militias are attacking Saudi oil fields and building up missile stockpiles. Mr Morrow said the US military has been invaded by armies of “PC wokesters, human resources powerpoint jockeys and identity politics radicals” since the inauguration of President Biden. “Instead of being on alert to fight foreign enemies, the military is now being used to ferret out domestic foes – i.e. anyone to the right of the Biden administration,” he said. For example, the Pentagon enforced a one-day stand-down of US military forces across the globe to deal with the problem of extremism in the ranks. The Pentagon has also launched a social media campaign against Fox News's Tucker Carlson who recently slammed America's increasingly feminised and woke military. “How long until the US military goes down the road of the old Soviet Union, where political officers were always on hand to check everyone's thinking? Mr Morrow asked. "Honestly, at this rate, China won't need to defeat America on the battlefield if America under Biden keeps becoming more like China.”"
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