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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. But, you can watch more than 5 minutes of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC? Connect the dots, BigGirl! This is why you have the views you have.
  2. From the article: "globally, many more people die from cold than from heat. A new study in the highly respected journal Lancet shows that about half a million people die from heat per year, but 4.5 million people die from cold. It (UN report) also mentions climate upsides like the fact that more CO₂ in the atmosphere has acted as a fertilizer and created a profound global greening of the planet. One NASA study found that over a period of 35 years, climate change has added an area of green equivalent to twice the size of the continental United States. But don’t expect to read about this in any of the breathless articles on climate impact." [Hidden Content]
  3. Rand Paul Calls on Americans to Resist “Anti-science” COVID-19 Mandates and Restrictions! Again, countries that have not been closed down, such as Sweden, are excelling in containing the virus. Similarly, data from the official sources show no correlation between the strength of a state’s mask and lockdown measures and total COVID-19 deaths. In fact, the 10 states with the highest rate of mask usage have been doing worse in both cases and deaths than the 10 states with the lowest rate of mask usage. [Hidden Content]
  4. Fulton County GA Caught In Another Lie – Claim Only 5,000 Absentee Ballots Were Adjudicated in the 2020 Election – Previously Claimed Over 100,000 Absentee Ballots Were Adjudicated! [Hidden Content]
  5. From the article: "Earlier this year, Sweden’s top health official, Johan Carlson, felt obligated to tell the world how wrong everyone else was. “Some believed that it was possible to eliminate disease transmission by shutting down society,” he said. “We did not believe that and we have been proven right.”" [Hidden Content]
  6. The Demoncrats need as many Low Information Voters as possible!
  7. CDC Director Admits Claim That Over 99% of In-Hospital Covid Deaths Were Among Unvaccinated People Was Junk! [Hidden Content]
  8. At Least 20 Percent of Illegal Alien Minors Test Positive for COVID! Thank you, Joebama! What say you, BigGirl?! [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Thousands of Covid infected illegals crossing the border and this is what some people thinks is important! SMH!!
  12. Israel’s Top Respiratory Doctor Blows Whistle on Vaccine Effectiveness and American Media Ignores Completely! [Hidden Content]
  13. The salient point is: Pamfam10, or any other liberal here, doesn't watch Fox. But they are an authority on the network! LOL!!
  14. Impeach! [Hidden Content]
  15. More from Newt Gingrich's book, Trump: "For each minute the broadcast evening newscast spent talking about the president's successful economic programs, viewers heard 77 minutes about the Democrat's impeachment push, a massive disparity. Overall, coverage of the president was 93% negative during the last 4 months, reaching 95% negative in January 2020."
  16. Man, you are so far left, everything looks right to you! LOL!
  17. So, after the first week of practice, how has your team looked so far?
  18. Two things: 1) Tell me something I don't already know. 2) In the picture, this ought to be child abuse. These two children do not know, at this time, what they are doing. But, if they continue on to be props they will grow to have the same "liberal plantation" mentality. Again -- child abuse!! [Hidden Content]
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