I figured this wasn't a spontaneous outrage event! From the article: "Filming someone in a bathroom without consent is a class 5 felony in Arizona. You all just filmed yourselves committing a felony.
On Saturday, Sinema was hounded and followed by illegal alien activists with the group Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), demanding amnesty for the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States.
LUCHA is listed as a partner of the Center for Popular Democracy which is funded to the sum of millions of dollars every year by Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
In 2019, alone, the LUCHA-tied Center for Popular Democracy was granted nearly $2.3 million from Soros’s Open Society Foundation. In 2018, the Soros organization spent more than $2.1 million on grants funding projects for the Center for Popular Democracy."
Should have known the snake was involved!!
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