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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Why bother?! Dr. Shiva Will Testify before House Oversight Committee in Hearing Organized by Democrats to Attack Arizona Forensic Audit! [Hidden Content]
  2. I wonder why these employees thought they had the right to ask? [Hidden Content]
  3. Australian Medical Manufacturer Recalls Nearly 200,000 COVID-19 Tests in US Over ‘False Positive’ Results! [Hidden Content]
  4. I think I heard where the media will be bailed out to the tune of over a a billion dollars. Also, the news paper industry will be bailed out to the tune of hundreds of millions dollar.
  5. From the article: "Arizona Democrat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema was harassed last weekend by a leftist group that is funded by the same organization that cornered then-Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake over Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings." This commie bunch is doing the devil's work! [Hidden Content]
  6. Let's see: Whistle blower. Then at the same time, the Facebook platform goes dark for about the same time the whistle blower is testifying. THEN -- I just heard that Donald Trump's Facebook page has been restored. Hummmm! Gotta wonder!
  7. Come to think of it, there is also not any lawn mowers to be had, except for zero turn. I ask the guy at Lowe's what's the deal and he said they can't get any. Also none at Fred Millers and none at Home Depot. Wonder if there's a correlational between the cars and lawn mowers, environmentally speaking?
  8. People Injured by COVID-19 Jab Share Their Horror Stories! [Hidden Content]
  9. I figured this wasn't a spontaneous outrage event! From the article: "Filming someone in a bathroom without consent is a class 5 felony in Arizona. You all just filmed yourselves committing a felony. On Saturday, Sinema was hounded and followed by illegal alien activists with the group Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), demanding amnesty for the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States. LUCHA is listed as a partner of the Center for Popular Democracy which is funded to the sum of millions of dollars every year by Soros’s Open Society Foundation. In 2019, alone, the LUCHA-tied Center for Popular Democracy was granted nearly $2.3 million from Soros’s Open Society Foundation. In 2018, the Soros organization spent more than $2.1 million on grants funding projects for the Center for Popular Democracy." Should have known the snake was involved!! [Hidden Content]
  10. Good thought! I didn't think of this possibility. Originally there was a fire at a chip factory in Japan. Could it have been eco-terrorist? Hummmm!!
  11. “He was double vaccinated and had no underlying health conditions.” [Hidden Content]
  12. From the article: "Pfizer Scientist: ‘Your Antibodies are Probably Better than the Vaccination’! Chris Croce, Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist: “I work for an evil corporation…Our organization is run on COVID money.”" [Hidden Content]
  13. If you needed another reason to boycott!!
  14. I wonder what she was taught growing up? [Hidden Content]
  15. This is a tweet from investor Cathie Wood: " Today, $TSLA (Tesla) announced that in the third quarter it sold 241,300 vehicles globally, up 73% year over year(YOY) and 20% quarter over quarter (QQQ). Meanwhile, $GM (General Motors), blamed the -33% YoY decline in its US sales on chip shortages. What? #EVs (Electric Vehicles) require 3-5x more chips per car produced!" Thoughts?!
  16. It Turns Out A Black Woman Sent Them! [Hidden Content]
  17. This lady that Yobama, uh, I mean Joebama wants as U.S Attorney, wants to pick and choose which crimes she'll prosecute. Not my words, not Cruz' word, but her own words! This will show you the state of the Demoncratic party!
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