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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Who? Anyway, you make a statement that you can't explain? Very interesting!!
  2. So, Realville, let me understand this again: This woman was "violently" arrested for not wearing a mask?! I see! So, hence the title of this!
  3. Saw this cartoon: Main Stream Media: A Donkey reported, "a white gunman killed 10 people in Boulder." Then another Donkey wispers, "he was Syrian!" Then the first Donkey corrects, "lack of gun laws killed 10 people in Boulder!"
  4. Interesting! Will like to hear more conversations about this.
  5. Trump never put America second. As far as obumercare, we can thank RINO MaCain for this. But, Trump was able to gut it by getting rid of the individual mandate. Trump governed as conservatively as he could especially dealing with the coup attempt by the Dims. As a matter of fact, he governed more conservatively then our hero Ronald Reagan. So, forget his "mean" tweets. They were a minor distraction.
  6. Stating facts is not crying, my friend.
  7. LumRaiderFan -- this is typical liberalism philosophy: It's always someone else's fault!
  8. [Hidden Content] Far-Left DC Mayor Muriel Bowser "Blames Victim" of Car Jacking and Brutal Murder by Teenage Girls: [Hidden Content]
  9. What I have been saying all along: Every time Joebama farts, blinks -- we sue! Why? Because that's what the other side did to President Trump. I've always said -- just tell me what the rules are! [Hidden Content]
  10. I wonder if these two were/are Trump supporters?
  11. Nothing's going to come of this because Joebama sees illegal alien children as the Democratic party's future!
  12. So, you want to see the tax return of a Billionaire who became a Politician? A smart person would want to see the tax returns of Politicians who became Millionaires!
  13. SAM MOODY: 4 years, 15-27-0; 2-0-0 2017 Valley Mills 0-10-0 2018 Valley Mills 5-6-0 F 2019 Valley Mills 6-5-0 T 2020 Valley Mills 4-6-0
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