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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Joemaba is now talking about even if you are vaccinated that you still have to wear a mask. What does this tell you?!
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. Hagar, the government/cdc is targeting the low information voter. More control, baby!!
  5. If you haven't seen where I said these same people who protest during a football game do not protest when the season is over. Can you explain why?
  6. Has the vaccine been in affect long enough to expound a "90% effective" statement?
  7. It's one of philosophy. Liberals always blame something or somebody else. You know, your actions are not your fault. So, they tend to look other places for reasons why people commit crimes and not at the person committing the crimes. This is why these liberal cities also want wants to defund the police. I remember one kid was shot and killed for robbing a house. His sister, which didn't actually seemed to concerned that he got killed, said, "how is he gonna get his money?" AGAIN -- liberalism is a mental illness!! They cannot connect the dots concerning their philosophy and increased crime!
  8. Interesting thought. Could some slime snake like soros pay these groups to do stuff like this? Hummmm!
  9. If the vaccine works -- then why the mask mandate??
  10. Of course he/she does! His/her reply would make CNN proud! Socialist always think they know better! But rarely do!!
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. According to the Dim, everything was Trump's fault. So, yes, Jobama now owns it!
  13. Joebama is 100% responsible!!
  14. I know at a local nursing home, 2 residents and 1 worker has Covid. All were vaccinated!
  15. Wonder how many “actually” died of COVID?
  16. WOW!! Intelligence Captain Seth Keshel: Trump Margin of Victory in Michigan was 7.5 Percentage Points! [Hidden Content]
  17. So, you feel that this past Presidential election was 100% without fraud?
  18. Cyber Ninjas Found So Many Issues with the Voting Machines and Processes in Maricopa County It’s a Wonder the Previous Auditors Didn’t Find These Issues Too! [Hidden Content]
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