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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. From the article: " In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Marxist community organizer Saul Alinsky (hillary's and obama's God) taught Democrats that the path to political power is not to solve society’s problems, but to exacerbate them, to use them to create an atmosphere of perpetual crisis. As Obama’s former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, put it: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Democrats did not let the COVID-19 pandemic go to waste. Instead, they used the national health emergency as an excuse to implement unprecedented changes in America’s long-standing election process. One of those changes was sending millions of unrequested mail-in ballots to every dead or alive person on voter rolls, a change that opened the door to virtually unlimited opportunities for massive election fraud." [Hidden Content]
  2. Arizona Audit Shows UN-REGISTERED Voters And Evidence-Free Paper Ballots Were Both WAY More Than Joebama’s Lead! No wonder the Dims are in a panic! Turn the light on to expose the cockroaches!! [Hidden Content]
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  5. Maybe some of liberal friends can explain this phenomenon!
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  9. 1) Full time employment 2) Literacy 3) Professional or technical degree 4) Regular church/temple attendance 5) Auto insurance 6) Good credit rating 7) No criminal record
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. VoterGA Releases Explosive New Report: Fulton County Georgia Recount Included 60% Error Reporting Rate — THOUSANDS of Fraudulent Biden Votes! [Hidden Content]
  12. This airport should be shut down. But, no -- they are spending 18 million dollars on it. It's so bad at that airport that we had to pay (tax dollars) an airline just to come here. I say -- say let's put it out of our misery! And BTW -- what does this have to do with Covid?! [Hidden Content]
  13. Is this a question or statement?
  14. From Uncle Pig: "The sign of a good coach...a coach that goes to a place that has never won before and starts to win at that place." There are numerous places in Texas I could offer. So, why would any southeast Texas school be any different with the right coach? BTW: To answer your question, Doug Ethridge comes to mind. PNG's last State Title was in 1955. For the next 20 years they could manage only 2 district championships. Ethridge took over and won 4 straight district titles and played in 2 state tiles winning one. The difference? The 'RIGHT" coach came along!
  15. First, it's pure evil! Second, they like the power and being dictators. Just like what Joebama said about going door to door concerning the vaccine: He said even if there's a "no soliciting" sign up on the door/house -- do it it anyway!
  16. Terrified JoeBama Heading to Pennsylvania to Try to Stop Election Audit! [Hidden Content]
  17. Courts striking back once again at Biden for being a racist! What's really amazing -- is that the Demoncrats are cheering this racism!! [Hidden Content]
  18. New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally. [Hidden Content]
  19. [Hidden Content]
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