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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. If a high school kid flipping burgers deserve $15/hr ($2,400/mo), then why isn't that the MINIMUM Social Security payment?
  2. The Dims wants to send the $1,400 stimulus checks to murderers, rapist and child molesters incarcerated in prison. They also wants these checks to go to "illegal" aliens! Thoughts?!
  3. from the article: "Moochelle Obama Urges Senate to Vote for HR1 – The Democrat Bill that Brings Communist Third World Voting Rules to US Elections. [Hidden Content]
  4. Prayers go out to Stevenash and his family!
  5. Let me add these: No signature matching for mail-in ballots. No disqualification of ballots for “out of precinct” voting." Counting of illegal aliens among state populations fo purpose of determining number of congressional districts in each state.
  6. Racist: A person who wins an argument with a liberal!
  7. Not hard: One party wants to make rules for permanent cheating. You decide which it is! Let me help you: From the Dims: Automatic restoration of voting rights to felons. No voter ID requirements. “No excuse” mail-in voting for all voters in all states (for the purpose of fraud).
  8. From the article: " Mandated: “No excuse” mail-in voting for all voters in all states. 15 days of early voting for any election including federal offices. Automatic voter registration — unless the individual opts out — upon the submission of personal information (name, address) to any state agency for any purpose. Online voter registration up to and including on election day. Automatic restoration of voting rights to felons. Allowing “ballot harvesting” by third parties. Counting of illegal aliens among state populations fo purpose of determining number of congressional districts in each state. Public financing by creating “$6 to $1” match of federal funds against small-donor campaign contributions of $200 or less. Prohibited: No voter ID requirements. No purging of voter rolls. No signature matching for mail-in ballots. No redistricting by legislative bodies in the States — only by non-partisan commissions. No disqualification of ballots for “out of precinct” voting." [Hidden Content]
  9. How many do you think are ever relocated in Joebama’s neighborhood?
  10. Seems like to me that Abbott could send the National Guard to stop any crossings into Texas. 1) it’s illegal crossings. 2) the “pandemic!”
  11. Why aren’t law suits being filed? We supposedly have a pandemic and Joebama is allowing this?! Unless he’s trying to tell us there really isn’t a pandemic. Can’t have it both ways. You know, make us wear mask and then allow thousands of migrants in untested.
  12. I would hope this would not be the best they could do! JEFF NELSON: 5 years; 21-31-0; 2-0-0—staff, Ozen, ll years---2009 Beaumont Ozen 3-7-02010 Beaumont Ozen 2-8-02011 Beaumont Ozen 7-6-0 F2012 Beaumont Ozen 4-7-0 F---staff, Beaumont ISD---2017 Beaumont Central 5-3-0
  13. @Big girl Please defend you side's thoughts on this!!
  14. Ok, libs, show us what's good about this! This is your philosophy on parade here! [Hidden Content]
  15. What?! There's a possibility that mail-in ballots could have fraud involved with them? Well kiss my grits! [Hidden Content]
  16. Whoever wins Ohio and Florida historically gets the other swing States and enough electoral cotes to win. Plus it's not a coincidence that the fraud was committed in the swing States that Trump was winning when the polls closed. How many of the swing states shut their count down? Was it in order to go find the fraudulent votes needed? You say no, I say probably so. Haven't totally checked the congressional races yet. But in one state I did hear there was fraud. I would venture to say that there was fraud in the Georgia Senate races. Again, there's no sane person that can logically say Joebama won without fraud. His handlers told him to stay in the basement. We got this! And they did. This is what evil does and looks like! But, again -- hate makes one do and say strange things!
  17. Trump got more votes than any President in history. He won Ohio and Florida. That, in any legal sense, would dictate a win. There's no way a pitiful candidate like Joebama gets 80 million votes. Even you can't say that with a straight face! Oh, BTW -- Biden got more? How many were illegal?! This is what I'd like to see!
  18. Oh, your "awesome hire" was meant as a joke. I get it now!
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