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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Hate to inform you, but there are books other than those books concerning sports! SMH! Maybe now we understand why you say some of things you say! LOL!!
  2. Talk about being part of a chain letter! LOL! Yeah, like you really watch Fox! SMH!
  3. You getting mad because your silly side is getting exposed?
  4. These people are losing their collective minds. This is what hate will do to you! [Hidden Content]
  5. No such thing as a moderate. Only those confused. Go to the library, or look on line, and see if there are any books on "great moderates in history!"
  6. Our first clue is that you are on the side of AOC! SMH!
  7. Reagan


    The 20 Greatest Quotes From Rush Limbaugh: [Hidden Content]
  8. I do understand one thing: The news that you watch aren't covering what happened concerning the windmills and solar panels in Texas. But the truth is out there if you actually wish to know it.
  9. Well, we know cheating works. I guess it's OK if you get away with it!
  10. Libs tend to say and do things that makes them feel good in the moment!
  11. Cold Shoulder: Nets Ignore Green Energy Frozen Out in Texas! Much like tin foil hats here on the left that are strangely silent as their green fallacy is exposed! [Hidden Content]
  12. It's not. What happened was the wind turbines supplying X amount of electricity froze. Couldn't handle what they promised. We were short that amount. Nothing as back up. That's why the rolling blackouts! The green crowd strikes again!
  13. Green utopia! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  14. From the article: "Trump’s lawyers announced they were going to call Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser as witnesses and they could not afford for that to happen. They would have had to answer some really tough questions. They were warned about possible riots in advance but turned down 15,000 Guardsmen Trump offered several times." [Hidden Content]
  15. That dang global warming strikes again! [Hidden Content]
  16. Answer the question: Is what you believe caused by man?
  17. Thousands of years ago we were in an ice age. Now we are not. OK, the globe warmed. Obviously temps change. The suns activity has everything to do with it. But, let's not confuse the facts on what the question is. Liberals say man is causing the temps to change. This is where most conservative disagree. So, what do you believe?
  18. Ok, since you believe it's real, are you doing your to part solve it? When you go some where, are you walking or riding a bike? If you travel across the sea, are you going to make sure what you sail on is only powered by wind? You know -- since there is "overwhelming" evidence! You're not a hypocrite, are you??!!
  19. Global Warming Update: Snow Blankets 200 Million Americans From the Midwest to Mexican Border -- Texas Declares State of Emergenc! [Hidden Content]
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