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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I went outside this morning and my backside got hit with some global warming!
  2. Remember -- no one gave him a chance the first time! So...
  3. Strange: He admits it's un-Constitutional what they were doing but voted for it anyway. He needs to go! BTW -- the Louisiana Sen that voted for it needs to go also. Where are you Bobby Jindal? [Hidden Content]
  4. THEY ARE TELLING YOU THAT THEY ARE SCARED OF TRUMP!!!! If he were not a threat then they would leave it alone!
  5. Come on, baddog -- if dead people can vote then they can watch the Super Bowl!! Sounds reasonable to me!
  6. So, why is always a certain set of coaches always "got'em?"
  7. Talk about living rent free in the Dims heads!
  8. You are right about one thing: An elite coach will not take a job at Warren. But -- Warren is the type of school that could make someone an elite coach. Scott Surratt was not an elite coach before going to Carthage. Art Briles was not an elite coach before going to Stephenville. Do a little research on how tough it was at Stephenville before Briles got there. They were being dominated by Brownwood. It took him 6-7 to bring that team were they needed to be to compete. Again -- what was the difference you ask? The coach!! It's a process. One either has the ability to do it or not. It's tough. That's why there aren't that many elite coaches! As always, just my opinion!
  9. Honest question: So, the athletes only showed up during Harper's time?
  10. No elite coach (my yard stick) in the bunch. AGAIN, one has to earn it. So, yeah, according to this list, I'm not surprised Warren hasn't done anything yet.
  11. There aren't that many elite coaches out there. So this doesn't surprise me. Again, just haven't got the right coach!
  12. And the fall usually starts with the moral decay!
  13. 1) Sign Executive Orders 2) Kill Jobs 3) Pander to the Far-Left 4) Dodge Questions 5) Have Ice Cream 6) - Nap Time - 7) Kill Some More Jobs 8) Unite Country (LOL!!)
  14. Without me even looking: has any of the head coaches at Warren ever gone on to become elite head coaches elsewhere?
  15. Places like Warren and Buna, and other places, are ripe for a coach ( the right coach) to come in and make a name for himself by eventually winning championships. Once the winning starts, everything else falls into place. Is it going to happen on day one? No. Is it going to be easy? No. But, the "right" coach will end up making a difference. Example: Burkeville: Any different than Warren or Buna? They got the right coach and they won 2 Titles. It took Harper 10 years. But he eventually got it done. So, again, what's the difference?
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