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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. From the article: "Bloomberg News: Your Paycheck is Now Worth 3.1% Less Than Last Year Thanks to Biden’s Inflation Tax!" [Hidden Content]
  2. From the article: "President Trump: “What Happens when People Find Out All These States Are Gonna Flip, Does That Mean You Go 3.5 Years With Someone Destroying Our Country?”" [Hidden Content]
  3. Here Are the Ones They've Already Achieve: [Hidden Content]
  4. How wide spread? [Hidden Content]
  5. WOW!! The Dims are admitting now what they are! Flying a communist flag! The head of BLM is an admitted COMMUNIST! With all the problems Joebamanista is facing -- this is what he thinks is important! Campaign Material!! [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Here's why: from the article: "The Justice Department on Monday released more of a key legal memo concluding that former President Donald Trump did not commit obstruction of justice through his alleged attempts to thwart federal investigations, including Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into ties between his 2016 campaign and Russia. However, top Justice officials filed an appeal to try to keep the majority of that nine-page legal opinion under wraps, despite a judge’s order earlier this month requiring that the legal memo be released in its entirety." [Hidden Content]
  8. True! [Hidden Content]
  9. Hummmm! [Hidden Content]
  10. More democratic racism! [Hidden Content]
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. If there's not any fraud -- then why the full panic mode?! [Hidden Content]
  13. CDC Quietly Reveals Shocking Number of Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reported! [Hidden Content]
  14. Significant Discrepancies’ Discovered In Arizona Audit, Ballots Off Up to 17.5%, ‘Likely Joe Biden Did Not Win’! Is this why the left is in panic mode to stop the audit? [Hidden Content]
  15. Articles author: Suzanne Robotti works at as Independent Publishing Professional...
  16. This is why elections matter. This is one of many, if not all, judges that was put in place to do the commies bidding! [Hidden Content]
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