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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. We are about to get hit with the new democrat name for global warming: It's now going to be called "Polar Vortex!"
  2. Super Bowl Ratings Crash to Lowest Level Since 1969, Least Watched Since 2006! In the title... Anyway, all major sports, with the exemption of the UFC, are being effected by this un-American mentality the liberal left keeps pushing. Basketball, baseball all down. But, maybe a glimmer of hope. Un-American Mark Cuban wanted to not play the National Anthem at their home games. But -- the NBA said, no, you will. Maybe the NBA's pocketbook is feeling the pinch. Amazing how Cuban does business with China and never complains about the genocide over there. Could it be because he says he makes a lot of money from China? But he said he'd kneel down because America is so bad. Does anyone ever notice how none of these un-American complainers never leave America to go live someplace else? Just another sign of idiots being hypocrites!
  3. baddog, if he is so hated and America wants to be rid of Trump, why are the Dims spending so much on him?? If it's true, why not just ignore him??!!
  4. I beg to differ, my friend. Presumptions are not reality.
  5. Once you've earned it how can it be taken away? One earns it by doing. How can one undo it? Majority of the coaches go through their entire life and never even get a sniff of the big dance. The elite coaching fraternity is quite small. But, again, you have to earn it. Just like the Hall Of Fame. One gets there because they "earned" it. Tod Dodge? He's won at two different schools. How do you know he couldn't win at another school? There are a lot of presumptions on your part.
  6. Nothing is 100%. Has this individual retired yet? If this individual doesn't win another one, he's already "earned" his elite status. How about Tod Dodge?! Won Titles at SL Carroll and changed schools and has already won 2 Titles at Westlake.
  7. Just stating facts, my friend! Hopefully you can connect the dots on why it was the lowest rated since 1969!
  8. This ought to make Joebama go a little more insane!! [Hidden Content]
  9. From the article: "Hand Recount Finds Dominion Owned Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate in Windham, New Hampshire, 300 Votes!" Just a coincidence? [Hidden Content]
  10. This was supposed to be a "woke" Super Bowl. LOL! Not very woke, I see!! BTW -- ever notice that everything the left touches they ruin??!! [Hidden Content]
  11. From the article: "“After reconsideration of the issue, it is now the position of the United States that the amended Section 5000A is constitutional,” Kneedler wrote, referring to the ACA’s individual mandate. The mandate involves a fee (tax -- my word) paid by Americans who choose not to buy health insurance when they can afford it." Where else does the government force you to pay for something when you don't need it? If it did, an example would look like this: Every American that makes over $80,000 a year will pay for 100 boxes of bubble gum per month at a cost of $1,000 per month. This would be to keep people who makes bubble gum employed. But, Mr. government snotty nose pin head, I don't chew gum. Doesn't matter, you'll do it and like it because we know better! Kind of stupid when you put it this way! Same thing!! The touchy feely crowd would love it. But -- it's probably not Constitutional. There's that pesky word again! [Hidden Content]
  12. So forgive me if I feel the "unrest" in Washington had the left's finger prints all over it! [Hidden Content]
  13. Wonder if all Houston ISD schools pay their head football coaches the same?
  14. From the article: "Walgreens and Uber will team up in Atlanta to provide easier access to COVID-19 vaccines for underserved communities by providing free (nothing is free -- my words) rides to stores offering shots." A couple of things: Again, nothing is free. And another thing -- what in the heck is an "underserved" community? [Hidden Content]
  15. As Jordan says -- this is an "obsession" that has no basis in the legal arena.
  16. From the article: "Democrats invoked the words of legal analyst Jonathan Turley in their opening statement on the second impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. The only problem? Turley says they’ve misrepresented him as a result of a falsehood perpetuated (and uncorrected) during a CNN interview." [Hidden Content]
  17. Two things: First, it's interesting how this was called a riot and when the left was burning down and tearing up everything in sight it's called "unrest!" Second: If Trump is truly guilty of this then shouldn't this be for the courts to decide? You know, him being a private citizen? Like I said before, impeachment is the recourse used against civil servants concerning "high crimes and misdemeanors." Unless this is pure evil and hate!
  18. I have heard about these. But the one that was impressive was the receiving of mail-in ballots before they were mailed! Not sure how this is "legally" done!
  19. 100% true. But expanding to family members has to violate the 4th.
  20. I beg to differ. Impeachment is there to remove civil servants. Trump is now a private citizen. They are trying to inflict as much pain on him as they can. I did hear shumer say that they want to make it were Trump can't ever run again. But, why bother if he's so "unpopular?" Like I've said before: They are scared of him!
  21. I know there are some here that feels like the Constitution is a deterrence to their socialist utopia. But, what were are discussing here has to at the least violate the 4th Amendment to the Constitution!
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