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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. When you can't beat them in the arena of ideas, well, you resort to this!
  2. You know it's sorta funny how the lame stream media portrayed the Antifa/BLM destruction of cities as "unrest." But every time they refer to what happened in DC, they say "riots." Anyone still think the lame stream media is not biased?!
  3. Yes, and remember how Clarence Thomas was treated by the Democrats? Thomas' words: it was a "high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves!"
  4. Checking the coaches as I do, advantage goes to Aledo. But I would say by a small amount. As a side not, I'd actually like to see Crosby win.
  5. Those pesky facts keep getting in the way!
  6. Yes, he fits the category with 2 State Titles. He's earned the distinction.
  7. We know for a fact the two big racist are Biden and Obama. biden said obama was a "clean" black person. And obama threw his grandmother under the bus by saying she was a typical white person.
  8. It took Art Briles 6 years to start his 4 State Title run. During that time he went 16-0 3 times. The point is, Westerberg has done it before. With Barbers Hill he may need time. You said: "5 seasons is plenty of time to build a program." Maybe yes and maybe no! If I were the Eagles faithful, I would be proud to have an elite coach like Westerberg! With this guy, you KNOW it's possible to win a State Title. When you hire someone who has never been a head coach and has never won, and possibly never been involved in, a State game, well, you really don't know what you got.
  9. You tell us how it feels! The KKK was the police arm of the Democratic party. Check your history, my friend!
  10. Just because you got one doesn't give you cause to make fun of us that don't!! HA! Just kidding!! Enjoy your elite coach. Man, you have actually had 2 of them. Many schools go forever without ever having 1. Again, congratulations and enjoy!
  11. Again, what we are talking about here are opinions. I am going to give you a couple of situations and you tell me if/how they fit into what you have said. These will be two ends of the time spectrum. I can give more if needed: Situation 1: Let's start with Brownwood in 1960. Prior to 1960, Brownwood had no State Titles. Gordon Wood arrives and in his 1st year they win the Title. This would be his 1st of 7 total. Now, when he left after the 1985 season, Brownwood has not won a State Title. So, insert everything you've said into this situation. What you have suggested as a reason for winning only took place when Gordon Wood was there between the years 1960 and 1985? And none of this happened before and after? Situation 2: Let's look at a more resent situation. Carthage coached by Scott Surratt. Before Scott arrived, Carthage did not win a State Title. The second year he was there, he won one. This is his 1st of 8 Titles. Now, again, insert what you talked about into this situation. What you have suggested as a reason for winning only took place when Scott Surratt was there between the years 2007 and 2020? And none of this happened before he arrived? It appears clear to me that the coach made the difference here. Just my opinion. What say you?
  12. What did he do to the Constitution?
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