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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Since quotas are illegal, I'm sure a law suit is Imminent! [Hidden Content]
  3. More than 2.2 million watch Trump rally in Wellington, Ohio online! [Hidden Content]
  4. @biggirlWhat say you? You brag about everything you've accomplished. Great. But -- do you feel oppressed?
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. OMG! Snowflake has really been triggered!! LOL!!
  7. What part of THERE IS NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THIS TIME that you don't understand?!
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. Also saw Briles hanging around at Hagar's abode!
  10. Global Warming? Scott Base Antarctica Endures -115F! [Hidden Content]
  11. Snowflake trigger warning: Trump won Pennsylvania by over 1 million votes!!
  12. Unless they change their "mental illness" stupidity! [Hidden Content]
  13. HA! Looks who's constantly being "snowflake triggered!" LOL!!
  14. What's with the constant "trigger warning?" I have not been triggered by anything you have said so far! You may have to try harder!
  15. REMINDER: When People Don’t Want an Audit – They Are Hiding Something!! [Hidden Content]
  16. Whatcha worried about?!
  17. From the article: "IT WAS A VOTER FRAUD FACTORY" [Hidden Content]
  18. Happy Father's Day!!
  19. Let the whining and moaning from the left begin anew! [Hidden Content]
  20. From the article: "The COVD-19 pandemic gave numerous state election officials an excuse to implement far-reaching changes to our election processes. Those changes obviously made our systems vulnerable to fraud. States implemented massive mail-in balloting at the same time they relaxed ballot security and voter identification. They even extended the voting periods — to give the criminals more time to commit their fraud. All these changes were unconstitutional. The Constitution clearly gives the various state legislatures the authority to define how their elections will be conducted — not state election officials. Election officials are only empowered to conduct elections within the rules set forth by their respective legislatures — except, apparently, during a pandemic. There must be a pandemic emanation hidden in a penumbra of the Constitution we didn’t know about." [Hidden Content]
  21. From the article: "There are about 2.1 million civilian federal employees, another 1.3 million active-duty military personnel, and more than 500,000 postal service employees. Before Thursday, federal employees received pay for 10 federal holidays, 13 sick days and 20 vacation days per year on average. Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com estimate these benefits cost taxpayers $22.6 billion annually." [Hidden Content]
  22. [Hidden Content]
  23. Did the talent just show up when Surratt arrived?
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