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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. WOW -- the sleaze is already starting. Like I've said before -- if you have nothing to hide then you hide nothing!! [Hidden Content]
  2. Wait a minute -- I thought you said there no affidavits! From the article: "Linda Paine, president of EIPC, stated: "We have been investigating serious problems with California’s election process for 10 years. With over 700 affidavits signed under the penalty of perjury evidencing election code violations, obstruction of our volunteer observers, failure to verify vote-by-mail signatures, irregularities and fraud in the November 3, 2020 election, we have no choice but to bring this federal lawsuit in order an attempt to restore integrity to the election process."" [Hidden Content]
  3. With 60% of estimated vote in Georgia: Warnock (D) 50.8% Loeffler (R) 49.2% Ossoff (D) 50.4% Perdue (R) 49.6% — Ryan Struyk (@ryanstruyk) January 6, 2021
  4. I'll respectfully disagree concerning no affidavits. An affidavit is a statement under "PENALTY OF PERJURY." MEANING -- if you are lying you go to jail. Oh BTW -- even Georgia State Senators thinks what went on in Georgia stinks! [Hidden Content]
  5. There are thousands of signed affidavits, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, you know what that meas I'm sure, stating voter fraud. All it takes is 1 witness to convict someone of murder. Plus all it took was one anonymous accuser and one phony dossier to cause turmoil for 4 years against a sitting President. But yet -- these thousands signed affidavits mean nothing. Is that what you are saying?
  6. I'm glad you believe this. So -- is it out of the realm of possibility that the Dems perpetrated this fraud against Trump? Since they committed the two scams you said happened?
  7. From the article: "“Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.”" [Hidden Content]
  8. I agree. I don't think Trump would take this action. There's so much fraud evidence that the Constitution will handle it!
  9. Can you explain these videos? [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  10. I posted this under another topic. Apparently you didn't see it. So here it is for your viewing pleasure. [Hidden Content]
  11. How did the Washington Compost get the audio? LOL! We know the POS Secretary Of State gave it to them. Oh, and BTW -- that's a crime!
  12. I saw this. Evil is as evil does!
  13. From the article: "Georgia Republican chairman David Shafer later announced that President Trump and his team filed two lawsuits against Secretary of State Raffensperger. David Shafer: President Donald Trump has filed two lawsuits – federal and state – against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. This was after Raffensperger secretly recorded the “confidential settlement discussion” of that litigation that is still pending. The audio published by the Washington Post is heavily edited and omits the stipulation that all discussions were for the purpose of settling litigation and confidential under federal and state law. Dirtbag Brad Raffensperger is in serious trouble." [Hidden Content]
  14. From the article: "Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was placed into office in the Georgia House of Representatives in 2015 by a powerful network of Mandarin-speaking Chinese people in the United States of America. NATIONAL FILE has obtained video of Raffensperger speaking at an event with Mandarin-speaking Chinese people, begging the Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes to secure his victory in the election (which he ended up winning by 159 votes). A Mandarin-language newspaper even explained the strategy to place Raffensperger into office by use of “absentee ballots” that could be illegally obtained by one Chinese person and distributed to others. No wonder Raffensperger is trying to stop Communist China’s geopolitical foe President Donald Trump from gaining a proper accounting of the votes in the 2020 presidential election." [Hidden Content]
  15. Blue, answer me this: Why won't the Georgia Secretary Of State allow Trump's people to examine the ballots and the voting machines? I'm sure you've heard the saying: "If you have nothing to hide -- then you hide nothing!" Help us understand!
  16. From the article: "Analysis of 3,000 Counties Reveals Joe Biden Received 5.6% More Votes in Counties Using Dominion Voting Machines!" [Hidden Content]
  17. From the article: "President Donald Trump said that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was unable to answer questions about boxes of ballots being wheeled out from under a table after Republican poll workers were told by Fulton County officials that vote-counting was done for the night on Nov. 3. “I spoke to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger yesterday about Fulton County and voter fraud in Georgia,” Trump wrote on Sunday morning on Twitter. The president said Raffensperger “was unwilling, or unable, to answer questions such as the ‘ballots under table’ scam, ballot destruction, out of state ‘voters,’ dead voters, and more. He has no clue!”" [Hidden Content]
  18. From the article: " Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne dropped a teaser on Twitter on New Year’s Day. According to Patrick he learned this morning, on New Year’s Day, that he learned something very important from a certified forensic document examiner about certain ballots in certain counties in a certain state. Byrne says they are going to lynch every politician involved in this scheme. Starting with a certain governor and Secretary of State. Everything has to go through lawyers before release. Sorry, I can only drop you appetizers. — Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 1, 2021" [Hidden Content]
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