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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. There is enough evidence of fraud in Georgia to decertify the vote for biden! [Hidden Content]
  2. Explain this video! Is this just another walk in the park?
  3. I actually heard Rudy Giuliani say there many, many signed, under Penalty Of Perjury, affidavits!
  4. Maybe some of our liberal friends here can help us understand this! [Hidden Content]
  5. From the article: "President Trump has tweeted that there is some big news coming out of Pennsylvania over the huge ballot dumps that took place there for Joe Biden. One such dump saw 570,000 ballots for Joe Biden and just about 3,200 for Trump. Is impossible too strong a word for that?" [Hidden Content]
  6. Same signature on multiple ballots caught on camera / audio! [Hidden Content]
  7. Youtube in on the steal! [Hidden Content]
  8. I guess in the world of liberalism this is normal?! [Hidden Content]
  9. Like the old saying goes -- if there's nothing hide then... [Hidden Content]
  10. I hope everyone that has an open mind now realizes how biden got 81 million votes. Just think about it -- biden got more votes than obama?! Seriously?! [Hidden Content]
  11. Take a look at what the US economy looked like before February 2020 (Chicom Virus) (coincidence that it was an election year?) and get back with us. Also you might want to pay attention to the black unemployment rate.
  12. Are you sure?! How confident are you that there were not any election crimes/fraud committed?
  13. I posted this video showing the crimes being committed. I asked BigGirl, Dove and UTAlum to commit on what they were doing. NOT A WORD FROM THEM!!
  14. Did the MSM report this? Prolly not! The point is -- why put out any findings when hardly anyone will report it. Personally knowing how nothing gets reported, I don't think I'd put out anything yet. Although I have stated that Sydney Powell did say that the Supreme Court does have her election fraud law suits. There's more going on than we know. I'm OK with this. Because I have no doubt that Trump's lawyers are all over this. Give them time. The devils on the other side knew that when they committed this election fraud that our side would have a small time frame to deal with it. But, with that being said, like I've stated before -- these election dates mean nothing if fraud is involved! Remember -- if the election goes to the House -- Trump wins! All Constitutional!! [Hidden Content] STOP THE STEAL!
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