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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. 1) Hire from outside 2) Wait until the playoffs are over.
  2. A capitalist walked into a bar, sat down between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. Just then the 10 o’clock news came on. The lead story was of a man on a ledge of a skyscraper preparing to commit suicide by jumping off of it. Bernie looked at the capitalist and said, “You think he’ll jump?” The capitalist replied, “Yep. I bet he will.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie both shot back, “Well, we bet that he won’t.” The capitalist put 10 bucks on the bar, said, “You’re on.” Just as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders placed their money on the bar, the guy did a swan dive off the building. He took a plunge toward his death. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie were very upset, bitterly, bitterly tried not to hand their money over to the capitalist. They didn’t want to do it. They felt somehow they had been cheated, screwed, tricked. With a slight smile, the capitalist said, “Look. I can’t take your money. Keep your money. I saw this earlier on the 5 o’clock news, and I knew the guy jumped. It’s the 10 o’clock news. It happened earlier today. I’ve already seen this.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shot back, “Well, we saw it, too, but we didn’t think he’d do it again.” OK -- what's the moral of the joke/story?
  3. Not yet. Did you see what Texas did? I see other states are joining. This goes directly to the Supreme Court! [Hidden Content]
  4. If you want to be the big dog then you have to beat the big dog! So...
  5. This was an organized state to state fraud! [Hidden Content]
  6. Has Mount Vernon ever been this far in the playoffs? Would you happen to know? Anyone?
  7. Imagine that! No chain of custody records for absentee ballots! [Hidden Content]
  8. One of the best hand offs he said he's seen! [Hidden Content]
  9. What about those that signed affidavits concerning fraud under Penalty Of Perjury? Remember -- they go to jail if they lie!!
  10. The point was that you didn't actually watch the video. This is why you didn't quote it correctly. You probably/maybe listened to what CNN or MSLSD said about it and quoted them!
  11. The lawsuit claims over 300,000 ballots were processed illegally. [Hidden Content]
  12. Final: Mount Vernon 37 Malakoff 34
  13. People -- this is the smoking gun! People were told to go home about 10:30PM that the counting had stopped. But -- some stayed behind and pulled out 4 big boxes of ballots and started scanning them. Again -- WOW!!
  14. What’s Up, Ruby? BREAKING: Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED!! [Hidden Content]
  15. WOW!! The Secretary Of State is finally stating the obvious! [Hidden Content]
  16. Giuliani said at 1:00AM in the morning when the Dems thought everyone went home, all of a sudden a big truck shows up. What the Dems didn't realize was that 2 or 3 Repubs were still there. They thought it was a food truck. But, they saw thousand and thousand of ballots being taken out of the truck in bags, garbage cans and card board boxes. And they all were for Biden. Again, they have 2 or 3 witness' to the fact.
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