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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I saw this comment: "Why is anybody on Fakebook, it a surveillance device used by the people that finance the CIA, and own the Federal Reserve. Zuckerberg was a complete unknown until he “founded Fakebook” and soon became one of the richest people on the planet by “selling ad space on Fakebook” He’s a blood relative of one of the richest families in the world, the people that financed the October Revolution, started the German NAZI movement and put the Chinese on their path to global domination. Fakebook and Twitter are both used to monitor the tenor and mood of the “rabble”, they prey on people’s vanity and the need/want to be recognized and connect."
  2. I wonder, just wonder -- if we'd be having this conversation if T. Buchanan or S. Surrett was SC's coach. Hense, again, it may not be about the talent. Football coaches stress, usually, that they want their players to participate in track. It helps the football team. The last bold section: Answer -- may be the coaching?!
  3. I'll start off by asking: So, you don't think that over the past 3 years SC hasn't had the talent to be a championship-type ball club?
  4. Looks like they have the athletes. But, as you can tell, their record has been on the decline! 2018 Summer Creek 9-4-0 R2019 Summer Creek 4-6-02020 Summer Creek 3-6-0
  5. Global warming scam update: [Hidden Content]
  6. What teams are you talking about?
  7. Hagar, my friend, I heard 5 cars showed up in lake Charles to see Joebama!
  8. Looks like they have the athletes. Maybe it's the...
  9. From the article: "Let me put this in terms even Democrats can understand. Let's say a white police officer killed a black man who did nothing wrong. Unlike George Floyd, this man had not committed any crime, did not resist arrest, didn't have fentanyl in his system and had no record of violent crime. Assume this poor guy was a law-abiding, taxpaying, churchgoing American and that the cop killed him for the crime of "driving while black." How do the police react? They say the shooting was righteous. They refuse to investigate. There is body cam footage, but they refuse to release it. And get this: They refuse to allow anyone to even talk about it. If any cop talks about it, he loses his job. If anyone in the black community talks about it, social media will suspend them or ban them for life. What would all of that mean to you? Guilty as charged, right? The police must be covering up a crime. No one who's innocent acts like that, right? Guess what? That's equivalent to the reaction (or, should I say, overreaction) of liberals, Democrats and assorted socialists and communists when Republicans make accusations of massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election." [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. All I can say is -- WOW!! If some of you don't know who Mao is look it up! Then tell us if it's virtuous to want that comparison!! [Hidden Content]
  12. it appears to be all for the blacks. What about the mexicans and vietnamese?
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