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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Just heard chucky shumer say Texas' deep freeze problem was due to global warming! What a commie dufus! LOL!
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. From the article: "Last year, with no congressional approval, Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson made the unilateral decision to mail absentee ballot applications to 7.7 million addresses in Michigan, hiding behind the COVID pandemic as an excuse to do what Democrats have been trying to do for decades—normalize no ID mail-in voting. In 2010, even the far-left New York Times warned of the dangers of mail-in-voting, “votes cast by mail are less likely to be counted, more likely to be compromised and more likely to be contested than those cast in a voting booth, statistics show,” they wrote, adding, “fraud is easier by mail.” Today, we received exclusive photos of an absentee ballot application from Benson’s Secretary of State office that was mailed to Wen Chieh Lee, a female Taiwanese citizen who attended college at Oakland University in Michigan from approximately 1999-2003. What’s even more curious than an international student who only lived in Michigan for the four years she attended college, receiving an application to vote in Michigan, Lee never even lived at the address where the application was mailed!" [Hidden Content]
  4. Thoughts?! [Hidden Content]
  5. Curious: I wonder if the head honcho of Entergy ever lost his/her electricity?
  6. From the article: "As a reminder, Pennsylvania Democrat officials changed the election rules weeks before the election without consulting the legislative branch. This is unlawful in the state." [Hidden Content]
  7. I figured some of our liberal brethren here could help us understand how this is "systemic racism!" I also hear this lady wants to sue the makers of Gorilla Glue. Maybe the liberals here could explain this one for us also!
  8. We know what liberals are. The media does not report anymore. The front is now nothing more than opinion pieces. When they speak we just need to laugh!
  9. Lurch getting mocked! [Hidden Content]
  10. Seriously -- would you buy a used car from somebody that looks like this? LOL! Anyway, AlGore said the same thing. He said the planet had 10 years. That 15 to 20 years ago. NOTHING! Rush Limbaugh kept a running 10 year count down. 10 years came and went and no one in the media questioned AlGore about it. But, the same lame media kept asking Trump for 4 years about the lie concerning Russian collusion! Again -- hypocrisy at its finest!! [Hidden Content]
  11. Just like Trump, the Dims are scared of Cruz. If this is so bad, leave it alone and he'll sink. But, they know nothing's there. But they are so scared of him that they have to throw goat doody on the wall and hope it sticks!
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Why? [Hidden Content]
  14. True. Rules were being changed by Governors, Secretary Of States and State Supreme Courts. According to the Constitution, all illegal! You are right, the State Legislatures make the election rules.
  15. These were the swing States that fraud was committed. When the election was over, Trump was winning all the swings states. A couple of days later he was losing all the swing States. So, yes, it makes sense that these are the ones challenged.
  16. But -- aren't the biggest polluters excluded? Example -- China!
  17. And then suddenly there’s an energy crisis in Texas – Any Relationship? Thoughts? [Hidden Content]
  18. True! The Supreme Court has agreed to look at the fraud lawsuits. If there wasn't anything there, they would not have taken the lawsuits!
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