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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. The only thing this shows is how worthless this award is! SMH!
  2. UT Alum, PamFam -- would like your opinion on this!
  3. From the article: "Georgia was an outlier this year. In a year where the sitting president scored the most votes of any president in history, Georgia surprisingly went from Trump +5 to Biden +.25. This, we believe did not happen and we have provided proof of it." [Hidden Content] STOP THE STEAL!!
  4. [Hidden Content] STOP THE STEAL!!
  5. From Sydney Powell: ** There are many smoking guns and we are going to need federal protection for many people ** 3 million dead people voted ** A lot of the evidence of fraud is coming out next week. We have more evidence coming in every day. It only gets worse and worse. ** The fraud was very widespread, very deliberate and very well funded. ** Everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it. ** I think the fraud went much further than just President Trump. I think they did it to John James and others. ** We have data out of California in 2016 that Hillary Clinton did it to Bernie Sanders there. (INTERESTING) ** We have a number of smoking guns and we may have to get witness protection for them. ** We have a lot of evidence, it’s beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying. ** These are federal court lawsuits. They’re paramount to any future life of our republic. ** We‘ve got evidence of people being paid. We got check studs from people being paid. STOP THE STEAL!!
  6. Personally, I'm a firm believer that there are no coincidences. With that being said, let's take a look: In 5 states, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina and Georgia, when the polls closed the night of the election, President Trump was winning all 5 states. In Pennsylvania, he was up 700,000-800,000 with close to 70% votes cast. The state should have been called for Trump. BTW, they calling states for biden with far less of a lead. In Michigan, Trump was a head by 300,000 votes. In Wisconsin, Trump was a head by 8 to 10 points. They were also about 70% of the vote cast. In Georgia and North Carolina, Trump was a head by 2 1/2 points. These two states were in the 85-90% votes cast. None of these 2 states were called for President Trump. Now, later on -- what are the odds that President Trump fell behind in everyone of those states? Not just 2 of 5, not just 3 of 5 -- but in every single one of these states!! Maybe strain credulity a little bit? Doesn't this seem a little funny, a little strange? Thoughts?!
  7. Hey, you and I agree on something. If no fraud is found then we'll move on. But you already have it set in your mind that no fraud was committed. Without the facts presented -- why/how do you feel this way? Very honest question!
  8. PAMFAM, my friend, this is not an episode of Law And Order where everything is done and solved in 60 minutes. Trump's lawyers are going to have to have their ducks in a row. Right now I understand they have more than 200 signed affidavits, again -- signed under "penalty of perjury", stating fraud in each of them. That's 200 more than the Dims had for the past 4 years with the Russia hoax. They had NOTHING for 4 years. Let me ask you -- did you believe them??
  9. They won't as long as they listen to CNN and MSLSD and read the New York Slimes and Washington Compost. Again -- I think it's interesting that all these liberal organizations says there's no proof of election fraud but yet they have NEVER done any investigations into it! Simply amazing!!
  10. You like ol' Blue apparently haven't been paying attention. SMH! STOP THE STEAL!
  11. The Chairman Of the Board of Smartmatic, up until about a week ago, was a business partner and crony of, guess who -- george soros!! WOW!!
  12. From the article: "The Trump campaign contested the recount, arguing that Georgia officials still wrongfully counted illegal ballots. “Headlines are already falsely reporting that Joe Biden is declared the winner in Georgia. Sorry, media, that’s not how it works. The State of Georgia has not certified its results, and it should not,” Ellis said in a statement. “This so-called hand recount went exactly as we expected because Georgia simply recounted all of the illegal ballots that had been included in the total,” she argued. “We continue to demand that Georgia conduct an honest recount, which includes signature matching. We intend to pursue all legal options to ensure that only legal ballots are counted.”" [Hidden Content]
  13. I guess my question would be: Who on the left has done any actual investigations into this for the left to keep drawing these conclusions? CNN hasn't. MSLSD hasn't. No one at the AP has. Rudy even chastised a CNN reporter: he said "I'm doing your job!" But yet they know there has not been any fraud what so ever. Although the Trump legal team has many, many signed affidavits stating fraud has been committed. And remember, Blue -- these are signed under "penalty of perjury!" You and your side ran a Russian hoax for 4 years with no evidence! Amazing!
  14. Rudy gives update. He say out of the 5 law suits, which will become 7, out of the 5 if they win 3 then this will put President Trump over 270!
  15. You think everything is going to happen in 2 seconds. Trumps team is gathering evidence. That's the way it works. If you keep an open mind you will see that there is tons of evidence piling up. Come on -- even you can't think that all of this was a legit election when at the end of election day Trump was up 700,000 votes and then a couple of days later he is losing by 40,000! Even you would have to question this. That's why Pennsylvania was one of the states that stopped the vote count. They had to find the votes. The Dominion/Smartmatic couldn't keep up with the fraud needed. I trust you have been paying attention and know what Dominion/Smartmatic is?
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